Sarah said on Nicolle Wallace’s show the other day,
I watched the entire 30 plus minutes. At one point it went from horrifying to hilarious, just how stupid he is and how easily Swan would catch it and correct him.
Hell I am shocked he didn’t springboard from the chair to launch himself at Trump and try to strangle the fuck.
Given what’s happened since Nov 8, 2016, the better question is why does it re-enter your body?
I don’t even know what to say to this. The level of stupidity Trump displays in this one exchange far exceeds President Camacho and that’s a made up character depicting what Mike Judge once thought was to be the dumbest President ever.
Ha! Trick question!
Waddles sees EVERYTHING as a reflection of himself. If you praise him you are forever a “great person”. If you somehow “offended” him you are part of the “deep state” hell-bent on unfairly defaming his “character”. The way he sees it, the sum total of John Lewis’ entire life boiled down to “snubbed me”.
Tired of the constant parodies, Waddles has apparently decided to become his own parody account. The squat-a-potty posture, the handfuls of pointless charts, the gassy babbling...he should just go all-in and have the SNL writing team run his campaign.
Had I that opportunity I would have installed venomous darts that would launch from the soles of the my shoes. He had many perfect shots.
That is a damn good and cogent point. Plus, I think they both make it easier to be who you are.
Success and money just make you more of who you already are.
I’m going to say
In my experience, everyone is still doing coke now?
I was thinking just now that there is really no way back from this. She has enough wealth that she literally will never have to do another thing EVER to earn a living. Why not just fold and move to France.
Money changes everything. One of the first things it buys is shelter from is any criticism from those in your orbit, including the constructive type that keeps you “grounded”. It’s not news to anyone that rich people live in a “reality” that isn’t real. Including the idea that anything and everything you do is just…
The pixie is the new goatee.
Melissa Gilbert ... “horribly allergic to bees”