Don't Give a Yarn

Very true - and those that said, oh, but I don't want to change wardrobes until I lose weight - they said OK, but until then, take this free money to have a wardrobe to make you look/feel good now. Love them to bits!

YESSSSSSS a thousand times! They would have actual constructive criticism with humor - not in a shaming way.

+ infinity for gif usage

This is the cutest thing I have seen celebrating Pi Day! Thank you! xx

But, but, but - I heard it from some guy, who heard it on from someone, who knew someone, who heard it on talk radio when they reported a story from Fox News! So we know it's true, y'all! Also, vaccines cause autism, Jesus co-existed with dinosaurs, and the sun orbits the Earth.

When I was 13, my family took a trip to Mexico, and I was in a hormonal fog of angst and tears - like most teenage girls, I suppose. But the worst of it was when we were set to go on this recreated pirate ship. I. Did. Not. Want. To. Go. I couldn't even explain why through the tears as we were standing on the dock,

Yes and until I was 11, I only ever called beagles Shiloh-Dogs. I thought they were the cutest, until I got my own muttigrees. :)

This belongs to Mama Yarn, with her permission to post:

I knew there was a reason you were my favorite. Strawberry ftw!

You're not kidding! And aren't they the ones that linked the Rihanna beating photos? TMZ so has a mole in that department.

Fierce little one! I can see her being a future Beyonce or President. Take nothing from nobody, honey!

Even if they did realize what happened, they may have been much too ashamed to speak up about it and/or blamed themselves. I'm glad that one of them spoke up and he'll be behind bars where he belongs.


This. This made me literally laugh at loud.

If he actually believed she was a 'trained assassin', that would mean she knew other assassins she was trained with - unless she was trained a la Bruce Wayne alone on a mountaintop. Hence, she would know other assassins that could assassinate him for outing her as an assassin and potentially outing her associate

I just commented that as well! Didn't realize you had already, sorry. But I'm glad I'm not the only one in that particular club.

What I want to know is does she not get stretch marks from the amount of weight she's carrying in those? I have size 36F (UK), and even with proper bra wearing, I have a few marks on the sides of the girls.

This is ridiculous, not to mention expensive - where is the money coming from to pay for the retouching? Instead, use that money to have seminar on body positivity, giving teachers a much needed bonus, or a pizza party. You know, important things.

I love you so much right now. *hugs*