Thank you for reminding me about this book! (and series)
Thank you for reminding me about this book! (and series)
“In and around this perplexing time, I dazedly chose or hired the companionship of unsavory and insipid types. Regardless of their saltless reputations, I always led with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition. Sadly my truth soon became their treason, as a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage…
Don’t forget Joaquin Phoenix
Definitely work it out before the wedding bells. One of my friends had to pull the plug on her marriage less than a year after for that exact reason. If they had talked about it before the elopement, then they could have either figured it out and moved on or split before it came to divorce. Good luck, dear.
If the TV is on, more than likely it will be on ID. But lately I’ve discovered that HLN does marathons of Forensic Files which is my favorite, because of the narrator. His voice, despite describing horrific events, is very soothing.
I’m glad I’m not the only one.
As far as I’m concerned, this novel is filed in my head as an epilogue, and therefore the To Kill a Mockingbird universe is now subject to EWE (Epilogue? What Epilogue?)
Probably the one of the wisest statements about leadership - and the most challenging.
When I was nine I pretended that I was twins. I only ever told that lie to a girl who came every now and then to visit her grandparents a few houses down, caddy corner to mine. When I was me, I was my usual tomboy self. But when I was the twin, I was a girly girl and wore the only dress I owned that wasn’t one of…
Thanks for the clarification!
Wait, what? I had no idea that was Stephen Tyler until I read your comment and scrolled back up. Thought it was Johnny Depp as well.
I just don’t understand how he can sue. They have a contract - a written contract - that states that both parties must give permission to implant the embryos. Am I missing something? This guy is such a nightmare.
I’m so proud of her. Instead of withdrawing and trying to forget - which she would be within her rights to do - she is standing tall and letting NO ONE forget.
*raises hand* I, Don’t Give a Yarn, do give a yarn about coins. They’re cool, OK?
After reading everyone’s comments, I am so lucky that my parents show no interest in me getting married or having babies any time soon. My best friend is currently pregnant, and my mom was enjoying getting things for the baby shower, so I asked, “Are you wishing it was me instead?”