Don't Get Fooled Again

The study Dead Men Don't Pull Triggers is a scientific study that takes known variables and tries to make a conclusion based on those variables. That is what a scientific study is. He is taking ACTUAL heroin overdose cases, and trying to find similarities to them and the Cobain case.
This is the most comprehensive

I'm not an expert, but neither are the people claiming he just had a high tolerance, when they don't know either. When they stop pretending, then I will stop pretending.

A blood morphine level of 1.52 mg/L indicates a heroin intake of
approximately 225 mg - 240 mg. Thus, despite suggestions that Cobain may
have simply been incapacitated by a normal, large dose fit for an
addict, it must be noted that his body weight was at highest 130 lbs.,
and he was listed as being 115 lbs. in late

This doesn't change the fact that he is on the board of trustees at the American Board of Legal Medicine. Are we to disprove them too?

The Lange manual for Poisoning & Drug Overdose states that for
opiates, "with higher doses, coma is accompanied by respiratory
depression and apnea often results in sudden death." (68). Basically, a
high lethal dose of heroin will either cause immediate death, or, in an
unlikely scenario, immediate incapacitation by

So he used enough to get to an insane blood level, reaching some of the highest on record?
That's fine, you can believe that. I guess we are just supposed to believe that Kurt had the highest tolerance in King County.
"Only one case in the 7 case study by Nakamura had a blood morphine level
in Cobain's range, at 1.8 mg

You didn't even read it. The abstract was just part of what I sent. That was my titling. This is a scientific study.

The main argument is one done by Roger Lewis, he penned Dead Men Don't Pull Triggers. I couldn't find the main link, but this link has an abstract of his argument: http://www.justiceforkurt.c…

Yes, just because I didn't agree with Montage of Heck, that must mean I'm not objective. Attack me, but wouldn't it be better to just have a conversation on how possible a suicide or murder could have taken place.
When you remove bias either way; bias against Courtney Love should be removed and the bias that Kurt was

Exactly how much tolerance could he have built in the last month of his life. He supposedly overdosed on rohypnols in Rome because he couldn't find heroin at that time. So he wasn't even shooting up on heroin the last week he was on tour. Then he was in the hospital. Another few days without shooting up heroin.

No, all I was saying is that there has never been found a case where someone (less than 140 pounds, Kurt was) have that much heroin in his system and perform an action. That is drive a car, shoot a gun, etc…
As I stated over on the Dissolve review, if Kurt died from the shotgun blast with the needle still in his arm,

have to hand it to Courtney Love. The official story of Kurt Cobain's
death, that the man was congenitally suicidal and finally committed
suicide in April, 1994, has been springing leaks for over 20 years. But
this woman continues to work hard, really hard, to plug them up. And
Montage of Heck is her latest, and