
No. The real reason for the alarm is because they were clapping and cheering for black man.

Accident my arse.

This sounds very much like the race to the moon. The Americans won because they were willing to share knowledge and work together - nasa / Air Force etc. whereas the Russians keeps on fighting each other. They the army developed the rockets, while the Air Force trained the pilots and neither would tell the navy what

The IOC - only slightly less currupt than FIFA

The IOC, only slightly less currupt than FIFA

Reminds me of all the Scientology ‘human rights’ which includes the right to own property and the right to copyright.

We don’t really want him, but we will take him back. He may be just a pathetic troll, but he’s our pathetic troll goddamnit.

Was this woman the local nutter who could also get you a ray gun from when she was abducted by aliens or did she actually have access to this equipment?

A meme was shared on Facebook last week which compared the gorilla shot by zookeepers to a black footballer in Australia. Even after hundreds of complaints (including the football code itself) the meme remained and Facebook replied that it did not break any Facebook rules.

A meme was shared on Facebook last week which compared the gorilla shot by zookeepers to a black footballer in Australia. Even after hundreds of complaints (including the football code itself) the meme remained and Facebook replied that it did not break any Facebook rules.

Troll harder dear.

You forgot his better looking younger brother.

‘ it’s a trap! ‘ he cries and puts her in handcuffs

I can’t stop staring.

Well considering F1 is run by the son of a famous English Nazi, I say that cycling is in good hands. Sport has always portrayed itself as being a noble quest above politicos. The fact that most are currupted to the core and will take money from any blood thirsty dictator isn't anything new and will be quickly

‘Facebook is also renaming some of the tools its curators use to moderate the trending news section, in order to “better reflect the real nature of the action[s].” Most notably, the “blacklisting” tool—used to block naturally trending topics from inclusion in the trending section—will be renamed “revisit.” The

Kim K is a model. Model as in life like but not real. Like an airplane model. Made of plastic and smells of turpentine.

Such is life

European (world) soccer, along with the Olympics, is soooooooo currupted ,I give it max 2 cycles before it comes crashing down

The patient would have died tho because his insurance wouldn't have covered it.