Duane Snyder

I love this show and will miss it when it's gone. I find it way too funny how many people have to comment how bad it is, the show will be gone soon enough so who cares? Then we can all watch that awesome GoT bull crap.

Love the show, "be positive" captive breeding stock being forced to watch Bob Newhart reruns. Just wish the show hadn't divided the scoobies between episodes, but I'm guessing that was an economic decision to curtail costs. The show probably isn't as popular as some other shows. Certainly not as popular as Bob Newhart

I'm going to miss this show when it is gone. It's certainly not perfect. It tries to carry on too many story lines and too many characteers in too short a time, which can be frustrating. (I did miss Dutch and the Professor in this episode). And Zach is truly unlikeable. But it still offers enough to keep me

I don't think Zach from season 1 (Ben Hyland) would have pushed the button, he just had too sweet a face. I'm sure the actor currently playing Zach (Max Charles) is cool in real life but I never liked Zach from season 2 on. Then he goes and presses the button, what a dick move. 'm pretty sure the producers of the show

I think they leave too many boring parts in, some of the side tracks add nothing to the story. They just waste time.