Running out of things by which to be offended?
Running out of things by which to be offended?
It honestly is a little creepy.
I’m pretty sure every U of M student, especially if they grew up in Michigan, made that decision already, whether it represent reality or not. I’ve never encountered a more self-reinforcing mentality in my life. And I’ve mixed it up with actual cult members.
It’s not fucking propaganda. It’s an actual result from the polling.
No one is asking for propaganda. Just report the actual information. Omitting select parts of polling data doesn't help us.
Biden was 54-38, the largest spread of all. But not a shocker you didn’t mention him. No one ever accused you or anyone else at Splinter of intellectual honesty.
How about I like his policies better than Bernie or Warrens, and also because unlike the two of them he’s not ashamed to identify with and register with the party that I identify with and have all my life, and also because he’s committed to preserving and building upon Obama’s legacy as president which is top-of-frame…
I got a Community’s Magnitude notification for this?
Oh good, the Michigan State child sexual assault fan rears his head again
Seriously, this is ESPN being ESPN. Their reporting is awful, and they never own up to their mistakes. I mean, we’ve all heard of Duke Lacrosse and Bernie Fine, right? guys do understand that other studios are withholding their back catalog deliberately from Netflix, either because other streaming services are paying more for exclusive rights or because they have plans to cut out the middleman and start their own streaming services, right? I mean, you keep using the words…
We can accept a negative review from a nonblack film critic as long as the words back up the grade.
“The same green stuff that blinded daredevil and gave him his powers, seeped into the sewers and got on a rat and some turtles abandoned by the pet store = TMNT.”
Wow, so this kid wasn’t even a student at the school when this happened but here’s ESPN and Deadspin trying to connect it to the larger issue? Our media SUCKS in this country. They withhold key pieces of information for the clicks.
It should be noted that Washington, a Freshman, hasn’t seen a second of play time this year, and that he wasn’t yet a student in August.
I’ve never adblocked. Whatever this comglomeration of websites has been doing with ads these past 2 weeks has sucked so bad I finally downloaded one.
What, no tamale boat?