

The first time through Majora's Mask was very frustrating but I loved it. There were times when I just missed something in a sidequest and ruined the whole process or I realized that there was no way I was finishing a dungeon in time and instead of the angry "Reset"- button push from my NES days, I angry-button mashed

As much as I love the game, I can't argue with that.

Some of the reviews I've seen from people I trust have said it's a good overall conclusion, so I'm sticking it out. But where I slogged through his quagmire writing style in the first books, when I get the chance to actually sit down and read it, I'm pretty much speed-reading through it and not wasting much time. It

First book trudged along. Second one picked up a little- just enough to keep me going. Third one was a frigging nightmare that at least ended alright.

Slowly getting through The Last Dark by Stephen Donaldson to finally close out the Thomas Covenant series. This last series has been a real struggl and at this point, I just want it to be over so I can move on to the next book on my ever-increasing to-read pile.

Just saw a photo of the recently-released second volume. It looks bigger. I picked up a cheap used copy of the first book- wonder if I'll ever get to it.

I enjoyed it. A little annoyed that the kitten we're fostering nibbled the corner of one of the boards, but another fun GB installment

I'm green with envy that you thought of that before I did.

Curious: what line were you told not to cheer at?

It still annoys me that Stuart is written so pathetically- he asked Penny out w/o a problem upon meeting her and ends up making out with her on the first date! Now he's barely functional in social settings.I realize they spun his poor handling of her pseudo-rejection into this pathetic realm, but c'mon, he's gotta be

Felt bad for Amy- she actually finds a friend and Raj blows it for her. Given her oft-repeated friendless backstory, and while Bernadette and Penny have become close with her, it would've been nice for her to have another friend for specific interests. Then again, sitcom-land doesn't generally allow for friends

Along the lines of your talent-flight from the medium into TV/Film, I've often wondered if we saw a general creativity flight from TV/film media into ads/marketing. I can't help thinking of that long-running trend of "watching the Super Bowl for the commercials" thing that finally appears to be dying down as people

I guess this could be a set-up for the Bates Motel/AHS crossover event. Vera vs. Taissa. Norma and her knife, Taissa and her chainsaw.

Well, since he left the island and since Jacob died I have to imagine he's no longer immortal.

Well, you get a complimentary bag of gold around your neck and access to the cave where all the rest of the gold is hidden.

The big season ending swerve cliffhanger will be…it's actually a mullet with a scientist.

Every random solicitation "Do you want to see…XYZ -porn " was met with an immediate and emphatic "YES I DO!"

Need s'more Fat Boys. ((insert beat-boxing sounds))

I think I started to realize I was going to the wrong sort of parties when I was lighting a cigarette off of a large bonfire in some kid's backyard and didn't notice everyone running away. I finally heard somebody scream that someone threw the propane tank from the grill in the fire.