When I first heard this, I really hoped it was just some stupid internet rumor. What a shitty day.
When I first heard this, I really hoped it was just some stupid internet rumor. What a shitty day.
I used to think I didn’t really like Prince. Then one day I realized that loved Prince and I was just being a phony.
I had a fairly permanent rift with my father over his assertion that the women who were sexually assaulted at the Tailhook convention deserved it, because why were they entering a male space?
You’re a sexist troll with an account created today who’s been going around attacking feminists and calling female writers the c word.
And he’s a spectacular hypocrite to boot. When he was a lowly wage slave coder he was overworked to the point where he burrnt himself out and talked about what an ordeal it was constantly. Then he became management and could force OTHER people to crunch themselves to death to increase his profits, and suddenly anyone…
He's so wrong, his daughter called him out.
Daughters. Educating fathers that women are actually human beings since the dawn of time.
Americans pop off about shit in other countries all the time. We have debates with one-off questions about how to “solve” Syria. And someone who’s not American can’t express their opinion about the American Empire and its cultural hegemony? Because they might not be a PhD in American Self-Importance? Fuck outta…
Time has not been kind to that man.
Honestly, even though I can’t stand this child and would never buy that overpriced bullshit when NYX and ColourPop exist, I’m still tryna figure out why she didn’t just have a doe foot applicator.
I take out the trash in my household, and I do the lawn. My husband does the dishes. I think it’s a pretty sweet deal, since yard work only has to be done every week or two, and garbage only has to go out once or twice a week, but dishes have to be done EVERY DAY.
Amen. Nothing brings me as much happiness as knowing that shitty people want to avoid me. You keep on doing that, it suits me fine.
I could take or leave the cats but you had me at all the clothes have pockets.
I don’t know if it’s as much a fantasy as it is “reality” for them. They actally do think they’re persecuted and that we’re chasing them to the margins of society. Lol. If only.
I like imgur. All the time “feminazi” posts. Over and over and in the comments are all these women being like “the fuck is a feminazi!? Who has actually seen/met one in real life?”. It’s a straw woman where you project all this BS and then prove its ridiculous and thus so is feminism in general. Blech.
I was laughing hysterically at the comments on an article some idiot woman posted on Fox about how women needed patriarchy. So many menz talking about how they avoid women completely who are the least bit feminazi, yada yada yada, and all I could think was “THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH!”
Mine is good for opening jars
We should keep a few around. I can't lift heavy stuff anymore.
i’ve clicked on that unhinged blog post before. are you the one always linking to it? that’s some crazy tinfoil hat shit fo’ sho.
LOL this is great