
how about “abortion guns” ?

well chances are it tear would up your perineum something awful at the very least, never mind the stretch marks and potential bladder issues

Personally, I have never forgiven my parents for not being obscenely wealthy.

“Unfortunately autumn is very chilly in Cornwall, so he won’t be doing any in that,”

Pretty sure the blonde one is Iggy Azalea post-latest surgery.

Well, I think he’s a moron who should STFU, but I also think it’d be hilarious if all these college frat twats were left with tragically boring parties because no women would attend.

OMG, kind of a tangent here, but there is this awful awful woman, who’s kind of associated with George R R Martin, who throws unbelievable hissy fits whenever the Game of Thrones show casts someone less than lily-white. Whenever she’s called out on basically being a dick, it’s because she’s all about being a “book

Has she ever even been to school? I imagine her spending her childhood roaming the snazzy boutiques of LA like a feral wolf-child

Not this one:

^ S/he’s very offended.

if it was ethically sourced roadkill, i am on board with that

if it’s new behaviour, i’m wondering what else is going on in her life. sounds like there’s some major stress somewhere that is throwing her off kilter.... never mind the danger of following strangers & having rows/fights, how is it even worth the waste of her time? it’s not like the jerk who cut her off will suddenly

uh oh National Enquirer will have to run a cover story about Kate’s Hidden Tragedy

it’s because all womyn are wytches who suck the life force out of the men they bang

well that’s my favourite theory anyway

well i dunno much about troll genitalia so i dunno

The chunky knits will live forever in my heart.

Yeah right. Like he hasn’t pressured women into and paid for at least five abortions.

Size 6 USA, Size 10 UK, Size 40 or 42 Italy, and eh I don’t know about France.

I didn’t even realise what they were. Oops!
