
Uh, you cheat in an online competitive game you do it at your own risk, if you get banned well, that’s your fault. If the ban is unfair you can appeal the decision. Also why would anyone ban people if they cheat in “offline mode”?

Now just waiting for the Gamergaters to rush to the dev’s defense in support of their freedom of speech and proceed to dox the fuck out of anyone that disagrees with them.

Seems that their views on equality are as dated as their game design.

Lack of Valkyria Chronicles gets a thumbs down

Most people.

You can take my air conditioner from my pleasantly cool, comfortable fingers.

I always wondered where Manuchar Markoishvili & Dogus Ozdemiroglu ended up.

You did it! You were the first to comment on a PS+/Games with Gold article to say that the free games suck! Congratulations, you special snowflake!

Thats a shame, but I feel no sympathy for assholes who received pay checks from Gawker.