“a publication offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. Subscriptions start at $19" LOL LOL LOL LOL HA HA
“a publication offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. Subscriptions start at $19" LOL LOL LOL LOL HA HA
Don’t forget to add on the season pass
Don’t forget to add on the season pass
A hour of these two MY GOD, Hard to believe no one cares about the Fox Sports network
No doubt some changes will be coming and lets hope the smark and general assholeness of some writers stops and some real ethics takes its place. I enjoy alot of Gawker and I also hate alot of it. Serious changes need to take place.
Look nice to me and when the internet hate machine goes overboard on something I know I’m on the right side.
And not one of them is going to get me to buy a VR. We need a game or real reason to want to throw down hundreds of dollars for a bunch of “neat” tiny games.
I like Sherman but this makes no sense at all
I have one rule I will never vote for a turret player ever. I don’t care your damage dealt your kills, you get none.
I like that in Bill Simmons mind people respect him.
Toe Cheesed alot of the bosses I hear
I wonder at what point people understand there as awful as the people they hate
Look at these two assholes at a charity event raising money for a good cause
You people have turned into everything you hate about the other side. Hats off to you guys. Turned this life long democrat into a independent.
If all you see in black when your see Ali your the problem. Just like Kara Brown who clearly only saw a black man when see looked at Ali. SAD
I always wondered where Manuchar Markoishvili & Dogus Ozdemiroglu ended up.
Thats a shame, but I feel no sympathy for assholes who received pay checks from Gawker.