Don't care

I just saw an article (I think in the Christian Science Monitor) about how law enforcement is looking more and more at going after johns and pimps, as opposed to sex workers. This is an idea that has re-circulated from way back when. I remember in the 80s, where I lived in Southern Florida, there was a big push to go

You are only sinning a little! I will admit to preferring my prime rib with au jus or a horseradish sauce to plain. And honestly the best prime rib I ever had was smothered in green chili (I was in New Mexico, I had to try it). But, at least you aren't turning into into shoe leather.

I cannot stop laughing over this.

Because I've shared it twice and someone keeps maliciously unsharing it. Its no big deal at this point — I'll just know to make posts with links in the future because petty dicksockets can't unshare those. :-)

I'm one of those people who rolls their eyes when someone says, "I was spanked and I turned out fine", and it's not because I believe they didn't turn out fine. Lots of people do, in fact, turn out fine. The problem that I have is that it's totally anecdotal. There are lots of people who were spanked and did NOT turn


Baricka O'Bisha is

You could've been an astronaut, President of the United States and married to Colin Firth if only you weren't spanked. I'm afraid you'll have to settle for just being normal.

Also, I don't get all the god snark. Yeah she's a fundi, but we're all entitled to our own religious beliefs.

yes, that is why anecdotes are meaningless, and all the actual data shows that spanking is inefficient at best and damaging at worst. so it doesn't matter that you turned out fine. maybe you did. that's irrelevant.

but you don't know how you might've turned out without the spanking, which is why anecdotes are meaningless.

I am just going to wait for all the pro spanking people to flame this thread with how they don't have anger management issues (in all caps).


The well done steak. I have thrown down in the past with 85% of people I know on this subject. Well done steak is a waste of a perfectly delicious piece of meat. I once planned a huge dinner for over 300 guests, steak was going to be an option. Well my co planner insisted that all the steaks be WELL DONE! We fought

I'd take the 'well done steak' opinion one step further, and argue that if you can't handle any pink in your steak, you don't deserve steak. Go off and eat some over-cooked chicken, you Philistine.

I have never agreed with an article so much as I agree with this one. Everything. Every single damn thing. Including the pears, which I love in those fifteen minutes of ripeness but otherwise blech. Bless you for this, Uber.


I dislike that her rumored bad attitude is being used to dismiss her feelings on her own rape. Also, not to be that black girl, but her comments on not being raised to
be coddled, and being raised to stand on her own two feet have a lot to do with how black women are raised to be survivors of all sorts of abuse and