Don't care

Excuse me, what the fuck is "completed rape"?

Oh yes! It's the best. I had no idea how common it was though

I think you're on to something! But I'll never get used to his farts, that's for sure.

Ohio is the Florida of the North

You would have seen this story even earlier if you followed me on twitter! Only cause I live near by where this happened, it's a short drive. I really hope karma kicks these kid's asses.

Same, my husband is like "it can't possibly smell good, you're so weird" and I'm just like "give me the piiiits!"

My weirdest turn on is my husband's armpit sweat smell mixed with the deodorant he uses, Old Spice's "Fresh". I just went to smell the deodorant to see if it was the smell alone, nope. Gotta be mixed with his sweat apparently. When we're cuddling & I smell it, I'm like "well helloooo" like I'm goddamn Mrs. Doubtfire

I can only hope to be half as cool as her when I'm older!

We're door-open for peeing & pooping, but we use spray for pooping. He takes foooorever to poop so I usually talk to him while he's going.

I would have kept my husband with me too, but we also fart in front of each other & make each other smell our weird bodily smells. He even looked into my vagina with a flashlight once to see if it had a tear. I would say it's definitely not impossible!

This is perfect. Long live Zodiac Motherfucker

Maybe if the game has a 2 minute time limit, or else we're all dead.

Dude you are putting words in sugarhill's mouth. "just use condoms ladies" no one is saying that. It was simply said that condoms are an option, that a lot of women forget about/don't consider. When my sister got pregnant- it was the one time her and her partner didn't use a condom. Her pill BC failed. We should not

I went to the local county fair yesterday, there were at least 30 4-H children's projects about rifles and guns, I wanted to cry.

I would actually eat the hell out of this, if someone else bought it for me.

My first boyfriend when I was 16. He was 18 and had his hips pierced. He was actually good-looking, like way out of my league. We had been friends on Myspace and I noticed he would post his current girlfriend's picture on his profile and say something stupid like "this is my gf blah blah". We started texting and then

If this fat shaming billboard was in my city I would vandalize it immediately.

Damn this is so exciting! Gonna be an amazing movie. Can't wait

Fine, you just happened to not be checking your notifications so you didn't see it before you posted this.... sure, okay. That doesn't change the fact that you wont acknowledge it elsewhere. You wont listen to what anyone has to say. I tried to be nice to you yesterday until you didn't listen and started your