I agree, the apology was not the worst apology ever, there's no need to gang up on her.
I agree, the apology was not the worst apology ever, there's no need to gang up on her.
Dear Jerry,
If you told me that shiba's breathe fire and only eat 100$ bills... i would still get one!!
bump and props
I thought the "i love you more than jazz" line was so cute but that's also because i have a weird attraction to Axeman
My fiance and i are very much so under the poverty line, and having a lot of really awesome sex because we can't afford to do anything else!!
Yeah i think it's pretty clear they did not lighten her skin /:
It's the lighting they use, everyone's skin looks lighter when there is photography lighting on it.
I feel so bad for these children, i am 100% sure kate gosselin is the worst mom ever. She is a bitch, she talks over people, cuts her own children off, treats her kids like slaves. I wish she would get her kids taken away, i really do, so they have some shot at a normal life.
I honestly don't know how male gynos have jobs anymore. I would never let a male doctor anywhere near my privates, doctors are strangers, we know nothing of their personal lives. No thanks
Stop ganging up on someone that clearly isn't great at articulating the vaild point that they're trying to say. No need to be a dick
I'll just put this here, made me feel better after reading this
How in the actual hell is Jessica Biel's complexion "fair"???
That's how i see it too.. in fact i'm offended that you said "acquiring" a dog, like they're just a fucking piece of furniture or something. Pets are family members. Children are stress that you put on your relationship, with a maybe minimal reward.
Omg ahhhh that tweet!!
Idris Elba would have made the sexiest Bond
The dress and purse are absolutely killing it, but the hair.. i'm not so sure. I would have changed it up a bit. No matter what she does, she still looks fabulous!
I'm going from Cleveland to Denver on thursday, will airports still be cancelling flights? Does anyone know how long the storm is supposed to last?