Reviewer, “This plot is trashy and problematic as fuck. F-.”
Reviewer, “This plot is trashy and problematic as fuck. F-.”
You can’t resist it. It’s Electra! (boogie woogie woogie)
a bandaged and robed man named Cletus
There were covers of Jenkins and Chazelle on a lot of magazines, definitely visually selling the idea that they were co-winners or something. The win never gets talked about without La La Land getting talked about too. The mix up really continues to dominate what the Moonlight win means.
“this is, after all, a studio comedy, which these days are almost all self-actualization lessons in disguise”
I don’t believe they should have given back the money. USC also gave back Weinstein money, when I’m thinking you all crazy. Keep the money and give it to 10 female filmmakers, or keep the money, Dems, and create legislation that truly addresses sexual harassment.
If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...
Simpsons did it!
Prediction: at least two progressives trying to troll lonely Cult 45 members will accidentally catfish each other and find a legitimate connection on this site when they figure it out
You’d think that these people would already know how to get in contact with their cousins and wouldn’t need a service for that.
I think you mean Mengele universe.
I couldn’t give two shits about Han Solo’s backstory, but I will pay a stupid amount of money for any movie that gives me Donald Glover dressed like one of Barbarella’s lovers.
Her scars didn’t become gills. She died. Richard Jenkins imagines a happier ending for her. Feel better now?
Hildegarde von Bingen or GTFO.
For all the garbage clickbait that floods the AV Club, I want to express appreciation for articles like this that are based on actual journalistic effort, and relay insights from a properly good movie critic. It’s frankly tragic that something like this counts for just as many “clicks” (if not fewer), then some…
Feeding of the 5,000- (31 AD)
That would be 32. Not ‘32.
I don’t know if this will be reassuring or unsettling, but this sort of horribleness isn’t new. What’s new is that things are coming out into the open and we’re all being forced to acknowledge that these horrible things happen more often than we’d like to think.
So don’t feel hopeless! Just be the best damn uncle you…
I have a tradition of getting rip roaring drunk on absinthe on Thanksgiving thanks to Bob’s Burgers.
Historians will look back and all, sadly agree, that no, San Francisco was not ready for the Great White Tears Flood Of 2017