Third & fourth “Shades of Grey” readers in my household. Every once in a while remember to check if there’s any word of a followup. And I similarly recommend the Thursday Next books. 1-3 are very good, and then they tail off.
Third & fourth “Shades of Grey” readers in my household. Every once in a while remember to check if there’s any word of a followup. And I similarly recommend the Thursday Next books. 1-3 are very good, and then they tail off.
Sadly, I think FL has too many racists who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Gillum because they don’t know they’re racists.
I still tend to think my issue is with the writing. They wrote a satisfying relationship (beginning to end) in Life in a Day, and paid off Eliot’s side of it with his feature ep. But what does Quentin feel re: Eliot this season? For all the time with monster-Eliot and then seeing Eliot surface to say he’s still alive,…
All the talk in that quote about Qeliot living on in Eliot is fine, but I don’t remember seeing more than a flicker of how their time affected Quentin—and that’s bad writing--or a shitty character I care nothing about. They queered then unqueered their straight central protagonist. Blech.
“Why would he love Alice at this point?” / “I’m not sure I follow this concern. Does it rely on the assumption that people choose romantic partners based on logic and rationality?”
Haven’t seen this yet, but I saw the C and scrolled down to the comments before reading the review. I’m glad I did, because I want to enjoy the first experience and come back later to read & think about it.
Yeah, I was expecting that in the opening paragraph. That seemed like a watershed for people taking notice of his all around acting skill.
His Girl Friday & The Lady Eve & (a little less often) The Philadelphia Story
Definitely a privileged NYer who doesn’t watch college football. Has no idea it’s all Chik-Fil-A endorsed down south.
Having a baby totally wrecked my cultural consumption. At this point, I just want to make it to the theater for US when it comes. I’ve got a DVR full of stuff, but now that the little one is turning his head towards brightly lit screens, I’m skittish about keeping the TV on for any length of time.
I’ll recommend a couple of books: Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts, Lydia Yuknavitch’s Dora: A Headcase.
Kudos to you. They’re going strong - added a room, built a festival, and now acquired a new theater in another neighborhood.
I replied to a writer soliciting info on movie theaters that show interesting stuff before their films. Turns out his article was for the New York Times. So I introduced Jacksonville’s local indie, Sun-Ray Cinema, to the country!
And free admission. The Menil is a wonder.
Season 2 of The Expanse
Any good film podcast recommendations? Been really enjoying April Wolfe’s “Switchblade Sisters” this year, and sporadically keeping up with TOS/Dissolve-vets on “The Next Picture Show.” I’ve fallen off of others because they don’t have the same level of discussion or depth of criticism as these two.
You can through “Heroes and Villains” onto that list, too. (YMMV on that one, but my mileage varies on some of the lesser Pet Sounds tracks, too.)
I think Erik didn’t take Hanne more out his own emotional selfishness than any concerns about the Anti-Zone. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew or intuited that Hanne would see through the mirror-world deception, be unwilling to accept her mom’s resurrection, and burst his bubble. (All puns in there intended.)…
Every time somebody tells me to look at something online, “Internet? Inter-not!” goes through my head.