don't call me here

Um, no metal cock rings in the robot vagina?

Fair point. And I think that's why so many are annoyed by him. That and, being a populist figure, he's got hordes of obnoxious supporters.

True. Seeing the Dem establishment resist him so hard shows why Sanders was out on his own for so long. The grassroots progressives have two major challenges: be a third party in a two-party system and try to take over the DNC from within. Say this for Bernie, neither of those even seemed remotely feasible options 18

That probably would've been the case had Labour not shown so well, no? If they do badly, Corbyn is ousted, the party shifts rightward.

Eh, it's a variant of everything. Hard right nationalist nutjobs are turning populist dissatisfaction with 3rd-Way and conservative austerity policies inward. In reaction, grassroots progressivism is gaining ground, but still not winning much (Bernie or Melanchon or Corbyn are not president/PM). And the center seems

"We begin bombing in 5 minutes."

"I'm…on TV."

It reminds me of this one SyFy-ish disaster movie where 90% of the shots use a zoom. It's completely unpredictable—fast or slow, zoom in or zoom out, and rarely paced to any action in the scene. And it's mostly not justified, either. Like. hey, it's two women talking in a kitchen—sudden zoom in when one finishes

My favorite funny take is at the end of the clip above. Assassin has been beaten and questioned by Bourne. In an unguarded moment he gets up—not to fight again, but to hurl himself through the window and fall over the balcony railing in the doofiest, most undignified way possible. Dude has the least tradecraft

And another appearance of a Beethoven piano sonata to further reference "Man Who Wasnt There."

Finishing Fiskadoro right now. It hasn't wowed me, but it does creep under the skin after a while. Really love Train Dreams and admire Tree of Smoke. Need to read more of him.

Wait, you're telling me that the twin Hammers of British horror, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, had birthdays a day apart—AND Vincent Price shared with Lee? These is my favorite new knolwedge. Salutations, great gentlemen of the genre!

I'd say they also need to ask in order to find out the extent to which the Handmaid pairs are working. Are they surveilling each other? Are they properly cowed? Has Gilead correctly gauged how far these women can be pushed? I think realizing that is part of Offred's steeliness in that moment. She can push the

Lesbian professionals with lake houses. (Though my lesbian friends who both drive Subarus only have the one dog.)

Resist.* I'm similarly powered, but I married into a Subaru family and I'm now rather fond of them.

You shouldn't keep a bottle of anything. Buy it and use it.

Yuuuup. That was the worst of the "unplugged" era, combined with the worst of the "dinosaurs roaming the earth" era of early 90s rock.

Three where the solo matches the lyrics and subject of the song to elevate the whole:

Yep, I was hear to say "Dogs," too. Gilmour has great work in three different modes—the soaring anthem solo, the spacey psychedelic soundscape, and the blues groove. In the last category, "Dogs," "Echoes," and "Time" have some of my favorite gritty playing. But in all three, he's got exceptional taste and tone.

4 favorite un-solos: