
Someone get Bezos some Ian M. Banks stat! I want my Culture anthology series!

Oh shut the fuck up Nate, you’re just trillion year old stardust recombined into the only carbon based life form to ever achieve higher consciousness. You ain’t shit Nate!

Yes, it was good. Still not as good as Threads though

Agreed...She was “realer” (is that a word?)

Last week I predicted that “Dougie” was going to spend the remaining three episodes in a coma in a hospital bed so when we initially saw in a coma last night I was proud/depressed to seemingly have predicted it. Thankfully I was wrong. Coop waking up was the greatest moment of the entire season for me.

Totally agree. A while ago somebody here joked that Audrey now looks like Dianne Feinstein and ever since then I haven’t been able to unsee it. That quick shot of her looking in the mirror helped correct that.

I know I’m not the only one who said “You’re tearing my heart out, Angelo!” when the theme appeared!

See I agree, but... couldn’t we have had him back like 2 episodes earlier without losing the impact. Just a couple more hours of Coop being Coop. And there’s so much we could do now with all the pieces being where they are, but now we’re about to reach a conclusion.

Someone mentioned on Reddit that (POSSIBLE SPOILERS EVEN THOUGH IT’S JUST A THEORY) Audrey may be trapped inside that one booth that keeps popping up in scenes involving just random characters talking about things we don’t understand (and Billy), like how Josie got trapped inside a doorknob.

Happy to star, you pretty much covered all the big points about this ep. Well done.(Also, man, fuck Kinja.)

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”

It take some time to port 21 years of comments over. Just think about how many years worth of complaints about Disqus have to be reformatted into complaints about Kinja!

Oh God, I can’t upvote! I CAN’T UPVOTE!