
The media is having a heyday with poor VW. Every god damn story on Jalopnik has been about VW and how horrible this company how is and how you should all burn your TDi’s to the ground to prove a point. Jesus. It was only a matter of time before SOMEONE got caught. We even have people who don’t know anything about cars

I don’t get why this is big news for everyone. EVERYONE cheats the emissions test(s). What’s the next step? Lets convince everyone that VW started the largest environmental disaster since Chernobyl or BP. That will ruffle the underpants of every eco-mentalist this side of the flat Earth theory.

Golf Allroad too. TDI and DSG. Or manual and 2.0 Gasser.

were deliberately engineered to produce more smog than is legally allowed.

But the hundreds of older diesel trucks and ass-hats rolling coal every day is perfectly fine? Those don’t contribute anything right? Because they all have Direct Freedom Injection. I highly doubt there are numerous cases of substantial health defects caused by diesel Jetta’s that cheated on the emissions tests. I’ve