
This is kind of a pointless exercise if 80% of the jeans listed are various fits of Levi’s. It would be far more constructive to recommend five different brands of jeans and leave the individual style up to the readers. Now that four of the five options are from the same company this is really just asking people which

This is kind of a pointless exercise if 80% of the jeans listed are various fits of Levi’s. It would be far more

No, a domain name is not a website. trust me, I own like 50 domain names, I run 3 websites. Even—especially—in the Trump era, words matter.

One, it’s unlikely that these conversations comply with the Presidential Records Act.

2001? Nah.. I’m thinking they have a Lego fan

This research is attempting to:

True, but there’s a difference between knowing something intuitively and actually measuring it.