
I love that they’re calling her a “body activist” instead of a hot model who’s just not anorexic. Apparently all you need to be a body activist is to have your chest weigh as much as most models. So brave...

The ones that Republicans have accidentally gone on the record saying are purely political?

That’s a helluva reach.

I’ve never gone into battle without a black woman,

It sounds fair to me. They need to take care of their rape problem first though.

Especially when there are women who have come forward. It’s like their word means nothing until it’s somehow validated, however helpfully, by the words of someone else, long after the fact - and usually long after the statute of limitations is up.

Every woman in that movie got treated like shit mostly by the main male character. At the end, we were supposed to feel sorry for that guy because he was trying to make it and he hit someone.

Honestly this is why I didn’t watch The Revenant with Mr. Calrissian. I was turned off because it’s a story about legendary levels of macho tough manliness and manly values. The trailer was enough. The cinematography looked beautiful but I didn’t want to sit through hours of guys out machoing each other without taking