Want to watch The Cosby Show over holiday break without feeling like you're covered in maggots? Planning on enjoying…
Want to watch The Cosby Show over holiday break without feeling like you're covered in maggots? Planning on enjoying…
What, what, what? This is the first I've heard! Fuck yeah! Latifah is exactly who I would have suggested (so, in a way, geez - think outside the box, HBO). Seriously, I am so psyched I'll even overlook yet another use of the so-so Michael K Williams (yeah, I said it).
Perfect casting. Yeeeeeeeeees.
I need several hundred thousand "YAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS" gifs! I'm so excited!!
"Josh has given me the who's been naughty and who's been nice list and we're going to use it to take some…
I'm going to watch the fuck out of this. ALL HAIL THE QUEEN.
"If I ever get my hands on a dollar again, I'm gonna hang on to it till those eagles grin" A song full of so damn much truth about friendship and money.
I can't wait for this!
Here's your first look at Queen Latifah as blues legend Bessie Smith for HBO's bio-pic Bessie. Based on her…
At the end of every year, it seems like our society is allowing more and more room for hot garbage to fill our pop…
That great WHOOSHING sound you just heard was the entire world rushing to set "Good morning, everybody. Mavis here,"…
Looks like Arya Stark, the scrapper from the North who's been wandering around Westeros in the same grimey old…
Gross story for you... was sick as a dog last year...blew my nose... and clearish snot shot out of my eyes drainage duct... a good foot or two...it was pretty intense.