
Those high taxes did pay my tuition for the first two years with the BOG fee waiver. Voted in the recall race in 03'... I said to myself ‘this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in politics in my life.’ Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger... It’s in second place now, for sure.

As a Cavs fan, I chuckled at the shirt. Fair play. Cavs got roasted and deserve to be ribbed. Just like we didn’t let ‘3-1' go for an entire year, even though across the plaza the Tribe did the same. As for people getting mad at this, me thinks they take the entertainment business too seriously.

As a Cleveland native (can confirm its the ‘North Coast’) who lived in LA for 5 years, you can keep those earthquakes and wildfires, too please. And your outrageous taxes, registration fees, home prices, INSANELY RUDE GENERAL POPULATION, and traffic while you’re at it.

I live in a neighborhood just like this in terms of lot size and it’s apparent semi-ruralness. Furthermore, its a Ohio township which means even less rules and zoning laws (I can even shoot on my measly 2 acre property if I wanted without permits or approval; Sundays are shots echoing from all directions during my

a.k.a. 6th place in February


This comment wins regardless of who is on the field.

As a crotchety old man in my lower mid-thirties... Remember when an outrageous drunken night this would have been a funny story amongst friends once the hangover passed and the ‘drunk and disorderly’ charge adjudicated?

Look, wins are important. But you gotta maintain your drone. #sophiesshoice

Would do wonders for Tribe attendance. The 455 sellouts were part new stadium and part no Browns, IMO.

↑ This.