
“In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police

Like thug Dion?

My Dad would not be stupid enough to approach an officer like that during a riot

Only if I can get so drunk I pass out driving onto a freeway playing with my gun....That sounds fitting.  I may even piss myself waiting for the bullet.  This is NOT another “innocent black man shooting”.  Regardless of the author’s intent. 

Oh, George was on diabetes medication? Are you saying he was driving while high on Vicodin, endangering lives instead of Fentanyl ? Was he looking for diabetes medication when he was robbing the pregnant woman?

“Maybe even inject some fentanyl or meth cuz somehow these always make it into their systems with every coroner report

He made his own life not matter

Drunk, passed out, pissed himself with a gun and open container visible.  Not the way to go out, boss

“I can’t believe that someone that’s supposed to protect and serve would treat a human being the way they treated my son when he was shot, handcuffed, thrown to the ground, obviously, because he was in the car before they shot.” Johnson told AZ Central. During those six minutes Johnson was on the ground, an ambulance

I was told by a medical person who read the autopsy that Floyd had fentanyl in his system - which is a heart stopper. Is this true?

You’re fucking insane.

Because unlawful flight is a good idea. If the underlying charge is dismissed, you can still do time for unlawful flight. Nice.

I mean, he is literally sending thoughts and prayers.

He didn’t even raise his voice when he did kill somebody!

You know he’s probably got a lot of cop friends. His Secret Service homies, his private security guard dudes. He’s got to walk that line.

I did, and the eight proposed reforms are good, though I’m not sure they address the problem of police culture. I suppose that making the policies more strict will, over time, cause the culture to evolve and become more conscientious of the proper role of police in a civil society, but I’m unconvinced. The “more

He may have not done a lot in the eyes of many folks during his presidency, and he may have done some things that put a blemish on his 8 years. But damn, do I miss this guy right now. No politician is perfect, but hopefully now everyone realizes his value when they ask for their savior candidate. Not a messiah, but

You with your data get out, this is about the feelz. 

Facts have no place here. This is all emotional wailing and virtue signaling.