
Hmm, maybe watch the movie, and then you know what happens?

Ahh, yeah that makes sense. My bad.

Sorry, I'm confused. I don't get the point you want to get across by saying some stuff from 2014 will later be seen as stuff from 2014...

At first I thought: "No wonder it sucks, if it's Ticket to Ride with tons of additional stuff and a needless retheme." But then you describe how it's nothing like Ticket to ride, and suddenly the article had a point. Gonna read it later :-)

Right? Men and their sexuality, disgusting. What is sex good for anyway?

Well consoles are not that much more or less than gaming PCs with a really rigid platform. That the software is also way more optimized is just one of those consoly-things. And the Steam Machines will get some of the optimization, but not all of it. Still consoly...

That people don't expect power from consoles is just a deduction from the fact that in the beginning of a lifecycle the consoles have the least power because of missing optimization and people mostly like the power of their consoles. When the optimization comes and the consoles are able to still keep up with all but

And? The fact that games for usual consoles ALWAYS have to be ported and on Steam Machines some games have to be ported is a drawback how?

Nope. Linux is very important for Steam Machines. They couldn't adapt Windows however they want, they would have to update to whole new systems when Microsoft changes the main platform, it runs faster, it runs everything, the users can adapt it themselves and so on.

I don't understand why everybody talks about PC gaming in regards to Steam Machines. Highly integrated, unified UI, reliable standarts for Hardware and Software, all that sounds like consoles, does it not? After all, the whole Steam thing is just normal for PC gamers...

Oh, come on, if you believe in yourself, you can become one :-p

The whole confrontation at the end of the series. Physical gods against old gods, with an army of halfgods fighting against an army of almost-demons, an EPIC long game by the BigBad (and the BigGood), and heroes and villains dying left and right. Ends with gods killing gods, so gods can be killed by gods killing

That's why it isn't unique anymore...

Didn't stay unique. Redone too much, and a pretty straight forward Heroes Journey from the start, it just can't stand on its own anymore.

Nope, that's armies. Along with control of capital by some, organized relinquishment of rights and duties, the belief that humans need to organize in big structures and in the need for growth.

Matrim Cauthon from the Wheel of Time. He ate a whole larder and went out to be awesome.

52 Hertz is lonelier...

That mindset should lead you to death, since everything we do kills millions upon millions of living things.

What he said...

He brings the box to the states government. Now, one shivers when imagining such a repressive and elitist country in control of this thing, but on the other hand, Nazis.