
Why do we need DNA for that? Surely there are better suited biological molecules than that, and i don't think that the form of the DNA influences the function in this way, if biological nanotech means tailored microorganisms. It's like structuring software to make new hardware, is it not?

Fan, no. I read all the books, will watch the rest of the movies when I'm bored (after all they lost the charme of the books by leaving out the school life). That said, now i know it's Harry Potter, and having a picture of Umbridge in my head, i know it's the reporter. My first post in this thread still stands...

Ahh, the reporter chick. Now if the poster would've written that, i would have known from the start...

The post-apocalyptic-party after Judgment Day is taking place after Judgment Day? Say it ain't so. And something that looks like Judgment Day (ICBMs over an earth alight with electrical light, so with a human civilisation) has to be the second Judgment Day, sure.

Yeah, don't tell us what this is from, we might give a shit.

I know what you are talking about, but your post makes no sense, elaborate?

Emilia Clarke has to have balls of steel to think she can play one of the strongest women in fiction, ever. But maybe she can pull it off, who knows.

Wow. The original was sweet, this is diabetes :-D

Isn't Stonehenge on private land?

Hmm, i think you have to read Fire upon the Deep again: No democracy, no sludge.

The thing is crossguards are there so protect your hands and as levers to wrest the enemies sword away. But most don't know about the second part, so the crossguards either are there to look cool or to protect the hands, so the blades have to slide down on one another, or you wouldn't need crossguards. It's like LotR

Clue, but not the Firefly game?

I would have cried foul if there wouldn't have been a Fulci film on here. Although I feel the brain squeezing is more disgusting :-)

Well, i wanna see her in everything, so i agree.

I thought the series was way better when it seemed as if Rand al'Thor simply was a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, willing himself to push through no matter the costs, but cracking more and more. What we got was awesome, could have been better imo.

Nope, often #5 sucks up good stories, movies, books, whatever and burdens them with the stupid continanity.

I think this continanity is the problem. Nothing against franchises that are good, but that are maybe 0.1% of all franchises out there...

And that's why Iron Man 3 is the best Iron Man Movie. Sure he doesn't call in the Avengers, but half of those wouldn't come for something that only pertained to the United States, not even the world, let alone the universe. And he has serious PTSD because of the stuff he went through with the Avengers. Honestly, i was

First Class. Best Super Hero Movie.

Yeah, when i finally saw it, I wondered if everybody else had seen another movie. Sure, it's fun, nice to look at, intelligent and so on, but to call this film complicated and mind bendingly interesting... What would these people say about Children of Men or Brazil?