
Since cupholders are taken, Mine is auto up AND auto down windows. Preferably on ALL windows. In a few years, this will be the only good thing I say about the VW GTI I used to have.

Example for me was my old '01 Pathfinder. You *needed* that rear wiper, and it was all about how air moved at the back of the vehicle. Wet/Snowy days would cover the back in water and dirt making rearward visibility impossible. I did some research and found that Nissan's "spoiler" for the back alleviated the issue.

It's a worthy upgrade - one thing worth considering is that larger drives are faster (I think Toms Hardware was the last place I saw that touched on this). The sweet spot in price/performance is around 120gb IMO.

Checking bags seems convenient until you wait 90 minutes to get your bags at the airport. This is especially frustrating for a 50 minute flight. Luggage waits in Toronto are extremely common, so now I use carry on exclusively.

Amazon isn't an option in Canada. Even still, I'm of the opinion that media should be replaced with something that's better. Digital downloads are convenient, but not better.

Shame. used to be my primary source for share/freeware - usually more because of the community reviews than everything. Feedback from others that have used software is important.

Instead of computer for the sofa, how about computer for the kitchen? Or wall mount computer? Something where keyboards and mice are inconvenient. Apple is probably the one company that can make people buy extra computers for rooms other than "the computer room."

50% seems about right. I know that I won't start buying digital copies until there is a guarantee that my purchases will always be accessible. We're just not there yet.

The people who believe it is ok to spend $500 on headphones are not the same people who believe lossy representations of music are ok. There's mass market, and niche market. Mass market was just fine with CD's.

Ding! Ding! Winner. *Everyone* I know went out of their way to grab a TouchPad, and nearly all of them could be considered nerd friends. I went looking for one - even though I just picked up a Galaxy Tab 10.1.

Couldn't agree more - stealth/hunting gameplay in Conviction and Batman were my favourite parts of the games. The changes in Conviction made is slightly easier to play, but was more fun as a result.

Ugh. Corn has been "genetically modified" for ages. Just go ask any corn farmer. The only thing that has changed is the definition of "genetically modified." It's now extremely strict, and farmers who have be producing corn for decades are now forced to destroy acres of corn because markets won't buy something

I wouldn't be intimidated by any super car that pulls up behind me. I assume they won't be there long. An H1 can be pretty intimidating. No idea how that didn't appear on the list.

My father was a truck driver - he got out because he spent too much time away from family. That said, I view Trucks as a necessary method of conveyance, and there are likely to be just as many asshat drivers that drive trucks as those that drive cars (go to a trucker forum to see how they talk about all the

One thing to consider about Past Honda: The buyers that loved them for the light weight and spirited handling were (are) the minority. Just as VW has done with the Jetta, Honda did with the Civic - decide to change the car to reduce costs and sell it to more buyers. While many of the changes aren't popular with

If you're trying to figure out what's going on here, read some of the text for the HITECH act. These articles themselves are simplifying a bit much. There is a multi phased approach ongoing now that encourages electronic access to healthcare records. Legislation says that Hospitals and physicians can receive extra

Wow...there's been a rash of these videos showing up as of late - though I think all of the ones I've seen so far are TTC drivers. It got bad enough that bus drivers were trying to keep people with video-enabled phones off the bus. Of course, passengers started being douches about it too, but I can't help but think

Makes sense...this is similar in principle to technology used to detect and highlight micro calcifications for breast cancer in mammography CAD. My first thought though: the algorithms to do the detection have been around for years. Why wasn't this in ver 1.0?

And here I've been hoping for a 10MP Barco Nio at work...that's "only" 4096 x 2560.

Can't disagree. I liked the first, but definitely note that it was repetitive. Eventually, I stopped doing side quests and just went for the end. Basically, I liked it enough to play the second, but not enough to buy it. I'll rent to check it out.