
Surprised this thread isn't full of these.

This thread is just another data point I'll use that proves Best Buy is not a place to go for *any* electronics work to be done. Assuming the employees are actually employees, there is a more professional way to react to criticism. My experiences with Best Buy mirror the sentiment in this thread: childish and

The 407 is probably the worst choice. I would have picked the 401 over that. Two big reasons:

While I'm likely to buy regardless, if it's not on Steam, I'll get a physical copy. If it requires Origin to play, *that's* when I'll skip it. Every one of these accounts opens up another area where I receive spam mail and introduces a layer of vulnerability.

Great recommendations - as one of the many in here that are employed to look at a monitor all day, I cannot stress the idea of giving your eyes a break enough. Looking at a clock that's farther away is one good idea. I usually just give myself a break and stand to look around a couple times an hour.

It's nice to see the number of comments advising against picking wild mushrooms. IMO, this is a pretty dangerous article - the disclaimers needed to be even more clear than they are.

This exact thing happened one day last fall at a coffee shop I go to frequently. Didn't know what happened at first, but then heard about four people around me complain that Wi-Fi wasn't working - in particular, one person complained that this "always happens when it's busy". Many people with laptops cleared out

This is an actual post? If a coffee shop is empty, all the power to you. But few things irk me more than when a place is full over lunch and there are computer campers grabbing free Wi-Fi while spread out over a table for four. Drinking $15 of coffee doesn't make it better. Maybe you should spend slightly more

No...A/B/X/Y (A/B for that matter) was a Nintendo thing. I'm used to letters on buttons because every system except the PS2/3 employed a similar concept (hence the usability reference).

Nice article. The Playstation controllers have always been *almost* right. I prefer the dual analog on the PS3's controller, but it's too light and needs replaceable batteries. I still prefer the 360 controller overall.

Occasionally, my wife and I will see a movie a week - but this would really only make sense for the time of year when there are lots of blockbusters playing. There was about 3 months starting last November where I saw nothing worth seeing in the theatre...and certainly wouldn't want to pay to not see movies.

The handset is awesome. For me, the WTF is the boots. did this turn from awesomeness in advertising (for the agnostic) to an asshat that really doesn't get it (in the name of morals)?

I've tried nearly all of the note takers, and yet to find one that betters Google Docs. I won't use anything that requires an app to be downloaded; much prefer the app to be fully web-based, preferably HTML5/AJAX. This way, I can access my notes and other docs (I use lists a lot), from my Ipod Touch, iPad, MB Air,

I don't see where the confusion was clear a week ago that they ran into issues during the riots, she was injured, and he was consoling her. That's WHY it was a good picture. Based on the video, the photog had perfect timing too. Where exactly is the lie?

?! Not sure what happened to my original goes again:

Not the long run, they need to face facts and kill it yesterday. They will go to QNX, but who knows when we'll see them. Is that the right move? It's a good OS, but I seriously doubt it's enough - even if it has access to an Android player.