
Sigh. Yes, you really don’t know what you’re talking about. First of all, this wasn’t directed to football players alone. It was directed to all of the athletes including all the other sports that lose the University money. Secondly, you’re assuming some rational analysis goes into the day to day decisions where

I forgot that McDonalds was a taxpayer funded public restaurant charged with educating its fry cooks and preparing them for civic life in a modern democratic republic. I must have been thinking of WacArnolds.

Incoming: unfounded assumptions that failure to do what was asked will result in punishment. Might as well give up now. This place is an echo chamber for stuff like this. Bottom line is LSU is a scummy organization for daring to make a request. Anyone who says different is just completely wrong.

It’s a request, not a demand. The students are free to do as they please.

No... They just said to not bring LSU or their logos into it. They completely support the right to protest.

Not really a big deal, right? Plenty of organizations exercise practices to disassociate personal opinions from organizational statements.

Coughlin has already run afoul of the NFLPA twice. Once... for attempting to launch the team’s offseason training program earlier than allowed.

Nice try. Every single time Tebow has taken the field in some minor league training camp and minor league spring and fall league the last two years, he’s taken spots away from young men who actually play baseball and are actually trying to make it as a baseball player to earn a living. Instead, some delusional Ned

“Taking roster sots from countless other minor league actual baseball players”
I didn’t realize the country had regressed so much in Trump’s presidency that one is now considered countless.

No, in fact I am a well-respected filmmaker. In fact, I once did a documentary on online trolls.

You’d probably hate it, though, bc it doesn’t paint you in a good light.

Politics has nothing to do with hating hearing about Tebow, or hating that Tebow gets a free ride to suck ass at baseball, taking roster spots from countless other minor league actual-baseball-players just so whatever franchise can sell some jerseys and tickets to Tebow sheep.

I’m not even gonna lie. I have the day off and I am going to drink beer and smoke weed while laughing at this motherfucker striking out 3-5 times.

Someone when to SUNY ALBANY

The fuck did Syracuse do?

Terry Bradshaw stayed in LA too.

Just sounds like an opportunity for the mighty Green Wave, if you ask me.

His big get this year was a 3 star WR. He’s not the integral piece people are making him out to be.

Probably wants to bring in his own guys but wanted the coaches to deliver top prospects first. Just college coaches being college coaches - and by that I mean shitty human beings.

Sounds like Oregon didn’t like the bill he got stuck with on signing day.

Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.