
Fuck the Democratic Party for not actually developing a bench. We were choosing between a flawed candidate (at least in terms of public perception — which is all that matters) and a 75 year old guy who mostly identified as socialist.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?

This should be the headline after every election. It doesn’t matter one bit who wins or loses.

Fifty bucks says that tiger in captivity has had more sex than me in the past year.

If you really carefully read this entire post, and read all 19 and 27 pages of the documents on Scribd, and digest all the details and the narrative completely, I find it impossible for any reasonable adult to come to any conclusion other than that that Les Miles knew...HAD TO KNOW...that his defensive coordinator was

These stories are always the best when they come from a team that royally sucks ass.

Well, in my dorm I certainly did it as often as I could.

I’m guessing Skyline chili. 

Pretty sure that shitty actions and being terrible people, making an amputee’s life hell makes them bitches. Yep. Confirmed. Bitches.

Ahhh, so the RichardLewis account is the one you use for locker room talk huh?


Sadly, their animatronic mascot is still functional.

So exactly what would you do with a Tiger (MikeVI) that was born in captivity and was kept in what amounts to a 5 star Tiger hotel. Let him loose in Chicago? That is the closest thing to a jungle we have right now.

Nice try on the purple eye thing. The Cowboy’s wives and girlfriends section looks like that every Sunday.

Dr. Schwarzenegger claimed it was not a tumor. Sad.

LSU Booster: Mike VI’s passing gives us paws.

Hello Gawker my old friend.

America has been momentarily spared the experience of watching two Purdue quarterbacks derp the ball back and forth.