I personally like to watch the series in order.
I personally like to watch the series in order.
Brave must have been aggressively pro lesbian then.
I think I got about 1/4 through as well. Mostly because whoever wrote it was a drooling imbecile who couldn’t barf up a cogent argument for “Chocolate Cake is good because ____”
OR the part where caring about your siblings is some kind of gay agenda. WTF?!
Make up your mind dude! Is it God’s Wrath or is it the Devil’s actions? Last time I went to Sunday school, they were 2 different entities that literally work against each other for our souls (I was young and it was the south). Also, IF God is using ISIS as a tool, doesn’t that mean that he... chose those people above…
I have been lurking on Jezebel for many many months without ever commenting but always enjoying everyone’s wit.
I feel like if you did a brain scan on these guys that some part of the brain where we keep fear would be on fire. Like bright red.
The reason why I don’t do religion anymore is that I couldn’t get with the notion that God made us all just to hate/punish us. Spill semen outside of a woman’s body? Death! Mix fabrics? Death! Eat shellfish? Death! My parents had their flaws, but abusive they were not. So it was just entirely unfathomable to me as a…
Seriously, France is across an ocean. If he said it was because France approved gay marriage and God smite them for that reason that would make a lot more homophobic sense.
It’s odd to me that these awful people think the books are about witchcraft. They are about friendship and bravery, and standing up for what you believe in even if it means you might get hurt, and (honestly) about making sure you are best friends with someone clever who will always have your back. The kids have some…
God has bad aim.
I was at a summer camp when the 6th book was released. We played Quidditch. I had a lengthy conversation with one of those “weirdos” and walked away shaking with laughter at her reasons for not reading it, thus refusing to participate in our match. She got super offended and started to come at me, I calmly explained…
I ate the devil on Saturday, then. He tasted AMAZING.
Come on, if a koala in Australia gets mild gas after eating too many leaves, it’s God’s judgement against America. Get with the fucking program, geez!
This pastor’s words are precisely why, unless you are willing to condemn all Christians for all things extreme Christians do/say, people who condemn all Muslims for for all things extreme Muslims do/say are ridiculous.
Especially since the two main characters were sisters.
Once again, an extreme right-winger projects their own sexual proclivities upon subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with what they’re even talking about. Like castigating the subject will strike a blow against their own, evil sexual proclivities.
The Daily Beast reports Swanson thinks God is angry at America for allowing same-sex marriage and suggests the events at the Bataclan are a sign of his wrath.
This guy’s god takes a really roundabout route with his smiting.
wow he’s not taking sides here, of either the concert goes OR THE MASS MURDERERS guys. He’s totally reasonable.