He’s like a handsome lion.
He’s like a handsome lion.
Only time can tell! I started my anti-aging regimen around your age. We probably should have started earlier but mid to late twenties is a weird mix of feeling very young but it’s also the start of your body changing-again. Late twenties is when my metabolism decided to slow down. Wayyyy down. I hit thirty with thirty…
Totally agree. They’re holding back on revealing Morgan’s full story since we last saw him for a reason. He’s turned into quite the survivalist badass and no doubt he had to do a lot of killing to get to the point where he’s confident enough in his abilities that he can choose not to.
Good on you for for embracing the shade/moisturizer life. It’s even harder to go full vampire when you can actually tan as opposed to the pale people who only turn red in the sun. I can tan as well and it was a sad day when I had to say goodbye to the golden brown summer skin in favor of a (hopefully)better aging…
I think it might just be her Italian genetics. I have them too and although they didn’t translate into a beautiful olive complexion, they have saved my ass brow/hair-wise. I am a 90s over-plucker too and mine have recovered because apparently nothing can kill an Italian unibrow.
Ugh so true. Half of my family has the olive complexion, half are of the pasty persuasion including myself. I recall my olive skinned mother stroking my cheek when I was 16 as she informed me my pale skin would betray me in the form of jowels, crows feet, and laugh lines much sooner than it did for her. She also…
So weird how ghosts seem to only show themselves to actors and a smattering of d-list celebrities.
Ha! Oh god no, I agree with you completely! Sex with Hof is a feat of strength I couldn’t muster! These women must be made of something stronger than steel to stomach it. *chills*
I guess I’m just confused as to why you’d think this guy in particular would outsource the sex with prostitutes since you also seem aware that he’s a scumbag. I’m sure there are legit brothels that don’t take advantage of their employees but I wasn’t referring to any other than this one and your original comment…
I’m sure you’re kidding about that but really, why else would a scumbag like him open a brothel if not for collecting the most amount of money legally possible and free sex of questionable consent with women who depend on him for a lot of their needs?
He is indeed the owner of the bunny ranch that was featured in hbo’s cathouse. I recall that show spent a large majority of time trying to convince its audience that “the girls”, as Dennis Hof referred to them(blech) were all very happy, satisfied, and raking in the cash. They may have been making money but an…
If he survives, public humiliation is the least of his worries.
Uggghhhh right?! I thought we had all agreed that late 90s/early 00s styles were never to be spoken of nor repeated? Sort of like how the 80s fashion revival of the last couple years didn’t include shoulder pads. Some things are just wrong.
Jack Nicholson comes immediately to mind.
Seriously, this whole comment section is like birth control.
Right? My friend is a kindergarten teacher and once when she was taking some class photos she was using an older, non digital camera. The kids were asking to see the picture and when she tried to explain that there were once cameras that didn’t do that, they looked at her like she was performing some sort of…