So they should have just pressed the pause button for 5-10-(indefinite) years while they waited for GRRM to write more, then just restart production, get all of the cast back from whatever they’re doing in the meantime, etc? Come on bruh.
So they should have just pressed the pause button for 5-10-(indefinite) years while they waited for GRRM to write more, then just restart production, get all of the cast back from whatever they’re doing in the meantime, etc? Come on bruh.
You write as though I’ve written off the show as anti-feminist (I didn’t say this) or as racist (I didn’t say that either), as opposed to simply denoting the way story choices echo longstanding criticisms of the show. It is disingenuous to dismiss identity-based criticism as a claim that art loses any and all value…
As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.
Dany to Jon: “I will get laid by my nephew or I’ll kill everyone.”
It would have made sense if she had just flown directly to the Red Keep and just destroyed the castle. Her beef was entirely with Cersei, not the people of King’s Landing. It made zero sense whatsoever for her to destroy the entire city, especially after the Lannister army surrendered. On top of that, why would you…
Correction: Arya will kill her. She’s the green eyes of the prophecy. Jon wouldn’t be able to do it.
Yeah and what happened right after the walk of shame? The Mountain and Qyburn were waiting for her and picked her right up.
She was always kind of blinded by selfishness.
Seriously, I hope Cersei didn’t pay too much for the Golden Company. More like the freakin Bronze Company, amirite?
As much as I disliked it, What was supposed to happen? They ring the bell and Dany stops? I wish they hadn’t rung the bells because it gave Cersei some redemption she didn’t deserve (which wth was with her dying with her love? She deserved so much worse). And it turned Dany into the opposite of what her character…
“Every time a bell rings, a dragon queen starts killing.”
Maybe from a pure GoT perspective, but I haven’t seen a show that gave you the sheer terror of battle like that since the beginning of Saving Private Ryan. It really drove home the point Tyrion and Varys were trying to make all along.
Saw this shit coming the second there weren’t elephants.
Cersei has been off the deep end with no possibility of return since Tommen took his jump.
Wife: How was the episode?
She outright says when Jon doesn’t fuck her that she can only rely on fear to rule.
Imagine all those lives hanging on one man’s refusal to fuck his aunt?
Also, way to live up to the hype, Golden Company. The Houston Rockets watched and thought you were weak.
haha, you’re crazy, that was awesome.
Guys, I’m starting to think that executing Missandei in front of Daenerys instead of holding her as a captive inside the Red Keep may not have been the smartest thing to do...