
The movie looked perfect and other than Veidt, was well cast, but it lacked any soul. It was so sterile. The best thing they could have done was wait a few more years and remade it for Netflix or Hulu as a 12 episode mini series broken down like the comics and flesh it out a little where needed. I didn’t need to know

I sort of agree, but I’m mostly of the mind that adapting, sequalizing, or present Watchmen in any other form than the original comic book and still calling it Watchmen is proof enough that whoever is doing it doesn’t understand the original work.

The Mona Lisa is a painting.
Watchmen is a comic book.

The genius of it

of course not, i remember him in die hard 3 though

I would bet good money that at least one of Regina King’s fellow officers is revealed to be dirty by the time the credits roll on episode 3.

The kindly old newspaper stand owner who grumbled about the kid reading his comic books for free, but still let him stay, is the hero.

I don’t mind a “remix” of Watchmen a la Hannibal, but I saw nothing at all of Watchmen in that.  Seeing Sheriff Sonny Crocket fight some guys in ski masks just doesn’t to it for me.  But, I guess we’ll both see in a couple of months.

Wasn’t Veidt the hero? I mean... he saved the world, right? ...RIGHT?!

Glad I’m not the only one to have thought that. Yeah her hands were manacled behind her back, but that ledge was damned precarious and I’m sure there was SOMETHING of Cersei’s apparel to grab hold of.

Bonus points if she did a 180 before kicking off and landed flat on her back on top of Cersei to cushion the landing.

Actually, that’s a mistranslation, it should read: all men and women must die. Pouring one out for Missandei.

Not to mention that a quick hug-and-jump by Missandei could’ve taken care of the whole Cersei problem for Team Dany.

“All men must die” sma more thematic for defiant suicide.

Hey, I’m just trying to figure out why Daenerys and her entire brain trust along with a few soldiers were standing that close to the walls. In range of archers and scorpions and infantry attacks from the base. Or even why they were there at all. They could send a raven. Or an emissary. But I’m the idiot who also

Only half the Dothraki...

Okay, I’m predicting (spoilers, I guess? I don’t think so, because this is all pure speculation):

The most fucked up part is that somehow Euron knew to pull her and her alone out of the water and capture her, even though he’s never seen her before and has no clue of her importance. 

Is anyone else starting to worry that they end this series with a scenario in which everyone is dead- except John- who then he moves north of the wall and becomes a lumberjack?

TYRION: Your Grace, before you leave, please make sure you have the dragons fly REALLY high, just in case there’s something lurking behind one of the tall, yet thinly-tapered rock formations in the water, ok?

Just burn down King’s Landing. Burn it all the way to cinders. Because, damn, nothing good has come from that town except for Ser Pounce (RIP). 

Love how Qyburn went full Sarah Sanders here.

Dany could have ended Euron right there. We’ve already seen that those dragons can fly really high, & straight up. Those balistas can’t aim straight up, & it probably takes a while to bright them around to shoot aft. SO if she flies high, up over their heads, & comes straight down or from behind, she could light up