Pork actually…..or so I'm told.
Pork actually…..or so I'm told.
I think the movie mentioned Tony's father was the last person to obtain vibranium (legally) from Wakanda. Wakanda's main call to fame other than vibranium is it's isolationist policies and high level of technology. I doubt that city was Wakanda.
Lawrence Fishburne: Big feet. Big boots Pee Wee.
Well he's an old guy with a bad leg. He couldn't get far and if he tried to get up I'm sure Jiaying would have stopped monologuing and thrown the crystal down.
Where's Lockheed? Probably tied up with Fox. I hear Fin Fang Foom lives close to Afterlife.
Dragonball Z effect. There's always a more powerful villain.
The same way Billy Dee Williams changed into Tommy Lee Jones.
Exactly. There are numerous slave stories that have not been translated to the screen (in a big way). In addition to Frederick Douglass there's Mary Prince and Toussaint Louverture just off the top of my head. We just had 12 Years a Slave which was an untold slave story on the big screen. We haven't exhausted the well…
Which begs the question why the remake? Centric or BET shows the entire series at least twice a year for people who have never seen it. Are they looking to make it more gritty and realistic? I'm not sure that is even possible.
I agree and laughed when she said it. It just seemed like a low blow considering how Skye knows how vain Raina apparently was.
Yeah it just sort of came off as the pretty in-crowd girl telling the nerdy girl "Shut-up ugly".
Snarky Skye is always good although that Sonic the Hedgehog jab seemed a little mean coming from the other Inhuman who still gets to look human.
Yeah, I was going to make an Archer joke as well.
He looked like he was wearing his suit pants with it as well.
To kill in the heat of battle is one thing, but not like this. - Goliath, Gargoyles
Their matching tactical shirts even looked like Daredevil's black Under Armour ninja shirt.
I really don't think he is acting since that is his demeanor in pretty much all of his acting roles. That was how he acted in the last seasons of Prisonbreak when he was playing an FBI Homeland Security agent.
I remember visiting Hell's Kitchen for the first time a few years ago while walking from Midtown to NYCC and thinking this looks nothing like the DD comics.
Or if they feel the need to incorporate black and armor pieces steal from existing DD designs like his costumes from Fall From Grace or Secret War.
And who is paying for all this? While DD presumably pays for the suit by protecting Betsy, isn't he also theoretically getting rid of Melvin's biggest paying customer? Melvin better start working on his future business plan.