
It was definitely heavy on the family (friendly) part.

He was the previous owner of the cape before David Lyons' character and became his mentor.

Despite its limitations it seems like we always want to see our comics and novels in a more visceral medium whether it be animated or now CGI. Live action for some reason seems to be the pinnacle of this transition even though its so difficult and easy to get wrong. Think of showing some of the large battles described

I remember seeing the villain's mind control device and thinking waitaminute that's a Nintendo Power Glove. I have one of those.

LOL So true. You were lucky if the Hulk appeared twice per episode.

And that right there is the equivalent of "the invisible man is blind because he has transparent retinas". Good point.

The new TV show is very inconsistent on that clothes thing. I thought in the pilot they showed his clothes breaking down and getting warm but then later episodes ignored it as he would presumably run all the way to Star Labs to pick up his suit in civvies. For that matter I think he runs everywhere now. Even the

I think the rapid aging thing was happening with Impulse (DC) and Quicksilver (Marvel).

I think they showed this pretty well with Quicksilver in the last X-men movie that his perception is that he is moving normally while everyone else is moving slowly. I also like that he was also bracing people's necks before running with them at super speed. I don't remember Barry in the new show doing that.

There were no current or previous superhero TV shows at the time that came close to what The Flash did. Previously we had an under-powered Hulk, a somewhat campy Spider-man and a very campy Wonder Woman. It had its limitations SFX-wise but it did what it could on its budget. I thought the costume was true to the comic

Shipp was actually one of the few actors of the time where the padding just defined what was underneath. I think the in show explanation that Tina McGee gave was along the same lines.

Yeah why wouldn't a TV show about a superhero eventually become more superhero-y. How could the reviewer not see that coming.

Nahh. He was already The Cape. …don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

I figured they were going for an amalgam of elements from his Fall from Grace costume one of the few armored versions of his costume.

As a kid reading the comic my friends and I could never understand why their names weren't reversed. Luke literally had fists of iron while Danny channeled his power (chi) into his fighting.

CGI kusari-gama was what they used in Ninja Assassin.

In Season 1 didn't they say in addition to incest Targaryens were into (dragon) bestiality. Maybe that explains the other 5/7th of Dean Pelton's sexuality?

Or Ken Marshall. He was in DS9 AND Krull. (totally joking)

Funny how he changed his stage name to Alexander Siddig from Siddig Al Fadil. It's almost as if his full name Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi is too hard to remember.

I am reminded of the scene in Gargoyles but this time with Leland Owlsley looking at James Wesley and John Teti standing next to each other.
Owlsley: "Are you two related?"
Wesley: "I assure you we are not!"