Does it seem odd that Tenzin would just let his three young kids wander around the world by themselves? I realize the original Gaang were near the same ages but their circumstances were different.
Does it seem odd that Tenzin would just let his three young kids wander around the world by themselves? I realize the original Gaang were near the same ages but their circumstances were different.
I'm curious if they will do an Empire Strikes Back premature confrontation between Korra & Kuvira before the remaining mercury is removed. The trailer shows Korra still in Earth Kingdom garb surrounded by Kuvira's soldiers ready to fight someone. Other scenes in the trailer show Korra back in her traditional Water…
What was up with the Eska hotel room conversation? It started off very awkwardly like they were hinting at some sort of twincest then ended confusing. Why would Desna sleep in the tub? Isn't he a co-monarch? Can't he get his own room or at least a room with two beds? Not sure why this dialogue was even in there.
I believe Tony Stark admitted to hitting it. Not sure with or without mask. Might have been during his drinking years.
It probably would have been more believable if she was wearing her regular clothes and not a revealing gown. Still pretty convenient with the other physical characteristics being similar with Agent 33.
Not to mention her brief fire nation hairdo that Aang really appreciated.
With all the talk of Dark Knight Rises, I'm hoping Toph is more like Lady Shiva from Knightfall. Just throw Korra in the deep end to get her over her injuries.
Toph decided to walk the earth like Caine or Samuel L. Jackson from Pulp Fiction.
I still find it hard to believe Katara maintained the exact same hairstyle her entire life.
Like I said just like Bryan Fuller.
His character design is pretty much Aladdin. I was thinking this is pretty much "Aladdin meets Firefly". After watching the shorts I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did.
That's too bad. Most of his work is gold. He's like the Bryan Fuller of animated shows.
Seriously what butler school did Alfred graduate from. Did the Waynes just pick up a random hobo from the southside of London and give him a job?
Had to post it now -…
You must have missed Jack screaming at the guy in the bathroom during the Hannibal pilot. It was so unintentionally funny it was featured on The Soup. Never forget this is Cowboy Curtis.
Waitaminute….didn't Hannibal get renewed? Is Jack Crawford dead??
(rushes to Google for confirmation)
Don't forget Spartacus, one of her best performances.
That scene with his dad dying had me saying "Welshie!!! Nooooo!!!"
I like how she assumes anytime anyone asks a question that it is directed at her. At the beginning Julia asks why is the dome contracting and she answers that she is going to find out (based on what). Later after Melanie gets sucked down the hole someone asks where did she go (an obvious rhetorical question) and…
Sherry did start out on daytime soaps….Guiding Light I believe.