
I know it was only a quick preview but isn't Chester's Mill in Maine where they have cold, snowy winters. Wouldn't these guys be used to blizzards that knock out the power. This isn't Los Angeles or Hawaii we're talking about. Is the dome going to make it "Day After Tomorrow" cold?

Well he was constantly upstaged by Skeletor reading tweets.

I like how some unholy creature bangs on the glass of the store (and promptly gets decapitated) and the only comment from inside is that a crazy old man is running around outside.

I thought the outcome of Season 1 was the dissolution of the council and democratic elections. …and oppyu just beat me to posting the exact same thing :(

So you're saying you really liked this season?

This is probably mentioned somewhere way down thread but are the Air Nation/Nomads the start of the Jedi Order? Spiritual monks in long robes dispensing justice and maintaining order.

It was probably deliberate since I'm guessing her head literally exploded.

Why exactly would the military do anything to people leaving the dome? What would be the advantage of staying in the dome? Are the military going to kill them if they come out? I didn't see any soldiers in Zenith at the exit. This show…..

This gets me every week. Chester's Mills and the dome aren't that large. Outside of an emergency are these guys so lazy that they can't walk anywhere???

Hudson: Hold on Goliath, you know what? She keeps saying we CAN run but we CAN'T hide. I say we try hiding.

She totally went all General Grievous.

The two moments that always get me from ATLA are Aang getting struck by Azula's lightning and Katara rescuing him and Katara nearly killing the man that murdered her mother.

That was intense. I like the fact that the Red Lotus used sound battle tactics. Having P'Li remain on the airship was key. She is better positioned as a sniper/artillery due to her ranged attacks so keeping her on the high ground was smart. My only question is who was flying the airship. Was it just on auto-pilot

My question is how could Zaheer get that good to even stand against Tenzin after maybe a week of gaining airbending. Even prior knowledge of airbending techniques don't adequately explain it.

Waitaminute, didn't the military contact Barbie specifically a few days ago before they dropped the MOAB (Season 1). Why is Barbie trying to sneak around. They knew he was inside.

I always liked HELL in Dragonball Z being digitally altered to HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers).

She went into the avatar state in the first episode trying to get rid of the spirit vines.

Dodee was Cherita Chen from Donnie Darko? Small world.

Julia actually said something to the effect "Is that badge too big for you?" High prose indeed. I am still waiting for someone to end one of these town meetings with the statement "…and yeah Big Jim killed Dodee." Who forgives an unrepentant murderer who so far has a body count of what 4 people so far. (Yeah I know

My brother and I figured Patrick Stewart would do Oberon's voice. Oh the irony that now Stewart is all over American Dad, Family Guy and Robot Chicken.