
Slow Mobius was proving what Dave Chappelle always says…"Everything looks cooler in slow motion".

In other non-Joffrey news, did 3-eyed raven tell Bran he has to travel all the way to King's Landing. Dude, you're a telepathic 3-eyed raven. You couldn't have told the cripple kid this info in a dream back in Season 1? Not cool 3-eyed raven…not cool.

When did GoT become an episode of Columbo?

I was still feeling completely awkward about the whole reception as if I was actually there. By the time Joffrey bites it I was more…eh, he had it coming.

He's a cutter not a pisser.

Sorta funny that the only people to run to his aid were his real parents. I thought at first maybe he was choking on a dove bone after chopping the pie open with his sword. That would have been more poetic if he killed himself.

I say Maester Pycelle. He seems like the vindictive type after Cersei stepped to him messing up his game. Never mess with a player's game.

Technically Fawkes wasn't anything close to an anarchist or anti-government. He simply wanted to overthrow the current government to restore a Catholic one which would have been pretty much more of the same just different (royal) faces.

From the book he is displayed pretty sympathetically despite his y'know serial killing.

I have to hand-wave after the human totem pole (which would have literally weighed half a ton) and the tree man in the parking lot. These are things that would take a crew of 6 and heavy equipment to pull off. Definitely not the actions of a solo killer. Still the good parts of Hannibal far outweigh these artistic

And then immediately dump them in the trash since Hannibal don't eat no fast food.

Hannibal didn't seem like something in Bryan Fuller's wheelhouse after Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls and Pushing Daises which lean more comedic or dark humor. Fuller has managed to merge the odd deaths of PD while expertly nailing the drama. Then again I was surprised by Mockingbird Lane but that was closer to his

I have worked with dog catchers and been to some homes with that many dogs and seriously the stench is overwhelming. I can't imagine what Will's home smells like especially with him being gone so long.

What no Winter Soldier reference??? That movie was #1 at the box office.

We now have the situation where Will knows Hannibal is the Ripper and Hannibal likewise knows that Will knows but can't prove it. Will is tempting (luring) him to try his BS on him again to get him to reveal himself. Also how big are Hannibal's balls? When he was at Chilton's home I kept saying why would Hannibal

Except Jed & Maurissa had a lot more writing freedom in story on T&A full-frontal Starz than on family-friendly ABC/Disney.

If this episode had been written by Joss Whedon or Dan Harmon I would have fully expected Ward to open the door after that closet scene with Skye to snickering SHIELD/Hydra guards pointing their guns at him…."Dude we totally heard your lame conversation in there…Really?"

I don't know…that must be some real deepity deep Snape-level deep cover going on and I don't know how you fake kill a bunch of SHIELD agents and Hand. Maybe he's the Chameleon and the real Ward is tied up in the closet (which would be inifintely worse).

I already think the Hound sounds like Liam Neeson but he was really channeling Taken at that table.