I have several pairs, but I got most of them from Zenni. And my script hasn’t changed in years. I like having different styles/colors.
I have several pairs, but I got most of them from Zenni. And my script hasn’t changed in years. I like having different styles/colors.
Yuuuup. And I’m just like...welp, great. My body is both. It’s unhealthy, and because of that, it’s gotten fat too. SO I’m doubly worthless now?
And offering people more clothing options in more places doesn’t really “encourage” bad health or people to be obese.
POTS is at the top of my list for diagnosis right now (got sick early this year, still trying to figure out what it is). I mean, I’m 99% sure I have at least that, but I’ve been having trouble getting into the autonomic testing clinic for a tilt table test (long, un-fun story). Yay dysautonomia!
{My comment got longer and longer, and I’m not intending it to come across as a lecture to you specifically, so I hope you don’t take this as criticism directed at you. It’s more just that you incidentally hit on something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.}
Before anybody else decides to compare a child who has embraced boy-coded clothing and hair styles for years to their kids’ going through a phase or saying they wanted to be an animal...
I have two children. So yes, I’m familiar with what little kids do. But if you click the link you’ll see that it wasn’t merely based on the story she told Oprah when Shiloh was four. I think we need to be really careful not to dismiss kids telling us who they are just because they’re 8 or 4 years old.
When I’m mistaken, I’m mistaken. Didn’t want you to think I was trying to hide my wrongness from the world. :)
Yup, you’re right. I’ll amend the op.
It’s not Shiloh. It’s John. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/12/23/bra…
The toy companies figured out they can sell more toys overall if they gender them.
*ding ding ding ding ding ding ding*
Wait...doesn’t the engine need to be running for the AC to actually do anything more than blow hot air? Or is my car just sucky?
I do love Ohio thin crust. Marions in the Dayton area is my favorite. But I also love Chicago-style pizza, and regular pizza. Hell, JUST GIVE ME ALL THE PIZZA.
I would eat it. Once.
I like it too. I love the chicken and dumplings.
When in doubt, turn the questions back on them.
HA HA HA HA HA! It took me a minute to remember what the fuck you were talking about.