We're all shit mothers depending on who you ask. ;)
We're all shit mothers depending on who you ask. ;)
I think I know the answer to this: What does it mean if you keep having dreams about being the Doctor's (of Doctor Who fame) companion?
Thanks! MicroDork was a lot easier to birth than his big sis. 4 hours instead of 36.
Or they're hinting that they like the other as more than friends. Lol
Mine are on http://www.domesticdork.com/2013/04/announ… if you care to see them.
I'm only active on a few other places. Which forum were you thinking?
It's possible baby came out super fast. If they don't spend much time in the birth canal they can have very round heads. Everybody though my first was a c-section baby but she wasn't.
Transition. *shudder*
Da fuck?
I loved my midwives. They were awesome. A hospital birth would have actually been cheaper (I had to buy a few supplies and I chose to rent a birth tub), but it was still only about $300-500 bucks total for prenatal care and birth. And my midwives would have attended a hospital, home, or birthing centre birth. It was…
OMG! I'm so sorry! that sucks. That really really sucks!
I hope things improve so you don't HAVE to choose home birth. But if not, I found water birth helped IMMENSELY with the pain.
I kept waiting for people to freak out on me when I decided on home birth for my second, but I guess Canadians are cool with the idea. Nobody ever gave me grief. And in Alberta at least, midwives are covered under our provincial health insurance.
I see everybody's already provided very good answers to your original question. I just wanted to add that if one uses a belly binder after giving birth, it can help your stomach go down more quickly because it helps the uterus contract. It also can help your abdominal muscles bind back together. A lot of women have…
Is Kate tall? I think tall women often carry less "out" than shorties like myself.
Yup! That's the one!
This morning we were going to go to Timmy's for coffee and donuts but were too lazy, so we went to the closer Safeway instead.
I think your 3yo and my 4yo would get along juuuuuuust fine.
This is simply NOT acceptable.