
WTF. Why are you in the greys?

The cruise ship plan seems like a good way to dodge paparazzi.

Any swing might do. I bought a used Graco Sweet Peace because I can click my car seat into it. I hear the Mamaroo is awesome, but it is really pricey (and not always easy to find used).

I see they too use the world's best highchair.

Meh. It's not very exciting. They give everybody going through the same day the same name, I think. It's always a name from the scriptures.

Mainstream. But you only get a new name if you go through the Temple endowment.

I wonder if it's a regional thing because I can't recall hearing any Albertans saying it.

The friendliest PR-obsessed cult of them all: The Mormons!

No. That's a bit cultish. I agree.

Big Rock usually has some good seasonal options, but you might not be able to find it in the US. So you guys have Alexander Keiths? That's good any time.

I like to try lots of stuff. ManDork does some home brewing as well. I like Innis and Gun. I haven't developed a favourite type really.

Don't even know what it is. That is how much I am NOT in a position to judge.

I'm no beer expert either. And really, I'm a total hypocrite since I like Corona with lime in it.

Beer. If you tell me you like Coors or Molsen or Bud I immediately assume you don't actually like beer and just want to get drunk.

I'm an American (though I live in Canada). I say "mum" because I like how it sounds and how it feels to say it. Is has a more substantial feel than "mom" if that makes sense.

Brigitta, Adolf, Eva, etc.

We got new names in German class in middle school, but that was to help expose us to common German names and German culture. It was fun because we got to pick our own.

It's too easy in too many states to duck out on payments says the girl whose bio-dad never paid a cent.

No. Five is generally a preschooler (though in my city five is kindergarten age). Toddler is more like 1-2 years.