
We eventually put a moon shaped clock on a timer. If the moon is on you stay in bed. You can look at books or play with a stuffy but do not get up until the moon is off!

I think it's because when you have a wee one you're often talking about their age with other parents (who want to compare development milestones) and medical staff (like for vaccination schedules and such) and in those cases they are interested in the specifics. Then it becomes habit. Plus, for the first year, it's

Yes, and yes.

Brilliant! But only works if no nosy neighbours call CPS.

You're a gay man in your early fifties with a fantastic screen name!

Ugh. Gross.

Honestly, for me (and I hear the same from other moms and dads), two wasn't bad compared to the horror of a three year old. Preschooler has been my least favourite stage so far. I'll take newborns and the endless feeding and diapers and two hour sleep shifts over preschooler any day. MiniDork is four now and finally

The early aging system takes some getting used to. But they can change SO freaking much from month to month until they're about two, that it really does make sense to use their age in months (or weeks for newborns up to three months).

CLEARLY that guy is not a dad if he thinks we can just send toddlers to bed whenever we want.

MiniDork (baby number one) LOVED being worn. She hated being put down. MicroDork (number two) has begun a habit of crying and crying and crying when I try to wear him. As a result, he's getting some flat spots.

Oh man. That sounds frigid. It's good practice for being a WWS mermaid though, because the springs down there can be pretty damn chilly.

OH MY GAWD! We went to WWS every family vacation. I was obsessed. When grown-ups asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I'd say "a mermaid!" And my mom would have to explain what the fuck Weeki Wachi is. If I were at my parents' house I would totally scan the pictures of little me with the mermaids and share them

Ah. I only saw Clueless once, and a very long time ago. So I don't really remember much.

Everybody else looks at this guy and sees Will Schuster right? Actually, reverse that. Everybody looks at Will Schuster and thinks Justin Timberlake right?

1985 here too!

Next time tell them you're a traditionalist and blue used to be a girl color (pink was for boys). True story!

Yeah. She has a head full of curls now (she's four and a half).

MiniDork adores Buzz! She has the Buzz Lightyear pajamas from the Disbey Store, the toy, and has watched Toy Story too many times to count. Lol

ME TOO! You were born in the 80's weren't you?

How old is she? MiniDork is a fan of Ironman and Spider-Man and the X-Men (and many other things ranging from Star Wars to My Little Pony).