
Thanks! Learn something new everyday. :)

I get that people who aren't big fans would get it wrong...but in an article about the media, they really ought to get it right.

That's a good reason to promote labeling. I'd never thought of it that way.

I have no problems eating concern is related to the "suicide crops" (plants that will not produce crops if you save the seeds and plant them) and companies getting patents on seeds and then suing farmers who have those patented crops in their fields because they accidently blew in.

That's what I keep saying about Clark Kent! He has glasses! Superman has perfect X-ray vision. They can't be the same person!

Hmmmm...this "Doug" fellow looks suspiciously like Quail Man...

It is considered by many to be the best hot chocolate in the world. No hyperbole.

You must go to the Angelina Tea Room and order the hot chocolate, so I can live through proxy! I had it when I went to Paris and it is UNBELIEVABLE!

I just had number two and wanted to get Norplant. But it's not available in Canada. Boo.

The Doctor knows much.

Glenn Beck is still relevant?

I want to see this from multiple angles. It looks awesome. Is that yellow I see?

Oh. I guess I hadn't personally encountered any MRA bronies.

I think it's more that there are assholes everywhere, and not even the happy-friendship-loving world of MLP can escape them.

/) (\

Indeed they have. :/

Oh gawd. I didn't even do that on purpose. I wish I could take credit.

What I coveted, but never found, was an Air Force uniform blouse. I thought they were super cute.

Yes! SCRUBS! I had an MRI last week and they gave me scrub pants to wear under the hospital gown. SO comfy.

GavaGirl made some really good points.