
Yours is showing up for me. But the gif in my reply is just the sad broken image icon.

Gawd. That is a prime example of brilliantly appropriate gif selection.

I think this is a very clever little commercial. I hope the video goes viral.

Yeah...I can ramble though. It's like, the second I step on a soap box I go all Julia Sugarbaker and just rant on and on. But I am just so sick of the hypocrisy on this site sometimes. It's one thing to snark on sartorial choices of those who chose to step into the fashion spot light via the red carpet or

Do I agree that it looks totally cheesy?

I appreciate that yes, they haven't given the GC prayer, but the way Jez reported it, makes it sound like they're never allowed to give prayers in large meetings. Having attended many a weekly BYU devotional, watched women's conference, Stake Conferences, etc. - I know that if I had come across a Jez article like this

What are you guys smoking?

This is my last pregnancy, and I really want to savor it. Plus I still have a lot to get done before he's born. So I am all about him taking his sweet time.

May the genetic odds be ever in your favor!

I actually think brown eyes are beautiful too! Until I met my husband I was more into brown eyes than blue. His are blue though, and that's helped me appreciate all the different colors.


Oohhh...I hadn't really thought of that. It makes sense though. When I was in high school I knew a woman who had straight hair until she got pregnant, then went curly, then went straight again during her second pregnancy. Hormones do crazy things.

Ah...see I LOVE the pregnancy/baby stage. It's the preschool stage that's killing me.

Finding out is so exciting!

OK...I can't stop thinking about this as it seems relevant to the conversation:

Oh man, MiniDork was bald forEVER. It resulted in her being called "him/he" by a lot of strangers, even when I put her in pink. What's the point of totally arbitrary, color gender cues if people ignore them? lol

Oh, and I'm due the 28th! Though MiniDork (the big sis) came ten days early, so who knows.

Weird and awesome!

Though I was teased constantly about just about hair never seemed to be a target of the bullying. I can't remember a single peer ever making fun of my hair color. Weird.

All babies are born with blue/grey eyes because of how melanin develops: