
She's four. So she and her brother will be about 4 years and 4 months apart.

Mine got less red too, and darker. I started as strawberry blonde. It's not quite Amy Pond red (which I would love, and sometimes I dye it to get it more vibrant) but as I got older I fell in love with it. When I was little I wanted to be brunette. lol

Ouch. That is one cruel genetic joke.

So, I'm due in a few weeks, and for some reasons I just remembered that, OMG! My baby might be ginger!

Yup! A blood draw is pretty much risk free (unless the tech is evil and uses a dirty needle or something, lol).

You can have your blood drawn and DNA tested as early as seven weeks. If any male DNA is detected in the mother's blood, then she knows she's having a boy. The test is useful for families with a history of genetic diseases that affect only one sex.

Pssst...the MST3K team now does this:

I wish I could pretend that this is about dumbing himself down to ask stupid questions so stupid people in the viewing audience can hear the answer and be reminded that, DUH, YES, WE CARE ABOUT THIS ISSUE!

I waited until she was in bed and made myself a milkshake. :)

lol - I'm not sure she'd fall for my bullshit. She's naturally incredulous.

I hate that they lumped those sections together for the opposite problem. I go in looking for maternity and have to double check the tags on everything because the racks aren't clearly labeled as to which are plus and which are maternity. And while some plus size can function as maternity, it depends on a lot of

I thought it was more to ensure that stores don't get lazy about making sure pricing is correct rather than discouraging bait and switch.

This is just another example of the "Women are so special! We need them!" trope that I encountered constantly in Mormonism. It's meaningless, because it's just a way of defending the status quo.


I think I'm with you on this one.

Sort of related...I love SCOP. It's a Canadian thing that certain stores voluntary participate in. SCOP stands for Scanning Code of Practice. Basically, if you check out and something rings up at the wrong price you either get the item free (if under $10) or $10 off the correct price. It's one of the reasons I

"And yet they don't seem concerned at all at how many children could hurt themselves sliding off their slippery slope fallacies."

My philosophy is that respect is given, but rescinded when justified (like in this case because the guy clearly was an asshole who needed to piss off).

A Roe v. World post that isn't bad news? Guys. April Fool's Dy was yesterday.

My midwife office has anatomically correct boy and girl baby dolls in the waiting room (all white though). But I have no clue where they came from. I found this on Google...but they're pricey: