
Without evidence to the contrary, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

OK, those are both fantastically fun. Enjoy them!

It was named by a little kid.

I have actually. We had four cats when I was a kid.


I'm torn on this, because I think Higgins is right. But I also don't think Penny deserves to be evicted from her home.

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gibson0girl is right. The smell disappears as it dries, but it helps eliminate other odors too. That's why it's great for cleaning up after pets who pee on the carpet.

Slightly stale peeps > fresh peeps

My family always taught me that "sorry is as sorry does."

Oh gawd. Like I didn't already love Dom for his wonderful job as Merry. That tweet has me almost dancing on the table with giddy affection for that man.

Yeah...I lucked into a really great husband, so I guess I tend to assume that most guys are equally thoughtful. But you're probably right. There are probably a fair number who wouldn't think it through all the way.

Well, I would hope if they're committed enough to be getting married, he'd know whether or not she'd be up for this sort of thing. :/

Mom here, with #2 on the way. I think reading a book or two can be super helpful. You can probably muddle through a lot on your own (especially with internet access for late night Google searches), but you can also learn a lot you never knew that ends up being super helpful by reading a couple of books.

If it weren't for the Addam's family connection, I'd say Wednesday is an kick-ass name.

Thursday is also Thorsday. And Friday is Frigg's Day (or Freya's Day depending on who you ask).

I love you Josh, but I will not let you hate on Wednesday. It's not the words fault we started pronouncing Woden's Day (or Odin's Day) incorrectly and then the spelling no longer made sense.

Yup, that's why I'm ok at those sorts of events.

OK. Yes. Trans-Siberian Orchestra might be something I'd enjoy. But not enough to pay for tickets as I would equally enjoy listening to it at home.

No, definitely not musical theatre, or the symphony for that matter. I think my problem is largely with the crowds themselves. All that screaming, and then they have to keep the music so loud to be heard over it and just, ugh. Too much for me. Sensory overload.