
Personally, my attention span isn't really cut out for just listening to music anyhow. I need something interesting going on visually (I'm just not an auditory person) - so even if concerts weren't crowded, expensive, full of gropers, etc. etc. etc. - I still wouldn't want to go to most.

And I imagine there is less screaming from the crowd.

Yes. I think the screaming crowd is a big part of the turn-off for me. It's sensory overload.

I hate listening to live music.

I'm still waiting to see a black baby doll in a local toy store. It baffles me that I only see white ones, because I live in a city that's fairly diverse. We don't have a lot of black residents, but we do have a lot of middle eastern, Indian, Chinese, etc. immigrants here. Yet the toy store shelves? White dolls.

Oooooh. That's brilliant!

People are hateful. If you had said you never let her watch TV while you tend to other parenting duties, somebody would have criticized you for that too.

I don't get the appeal of Vegas to anyone, at all. It just seems like a giant, sleazy tourist trap where you lose lots of money.

You know, I think Finn's kiss probably just makes them even for Schu FRAMING Finn for pot possession to black mail him into joining the Glee Club...

Ooohhhhhh....that's on a level way beyond mine. I bow before you.


Love the sleepy look.

Ah. Thanks for that link.

I think Santana is my favorite character. I wish she got more numbers.

I'm OK with Rachel, though I recognize why he annoys the hit outta people. I'd love to see Finn and Schuster bite it though.

Am I the only loser still hate-watching Glee?

It IS the little things.

"Does it make people that uncomfortable to acknowledge that there's a certain institutionalized racial bias in the way almost everything is run in this country?"

This sucks, and I get it. If my experiences when we informed my in-laws that we were resigning membership from the LDS church and didn't believe in god are at all indiciative of how conservative, religious parents react to this kind of news, then my best advice is just bite the bullet.

I second the rec to get fitted at a running store (not a big chain athletic store, but a shop that specializes in running). There are also some websites online that quiz you, then provide a list of what to look for in a shoe.