
My bad - meant to reply to the original post. Hope you find love :)

Still a better love story than Twilight.

what does that have to do with me finding love?

I hope to find a love like this one day.

The Lyin', the Witch, and the Wardrobe

And this isn't an isolated incident. There are police departments across the land who do not properly represent the people they are meant to police who are actively terrorizing and hurting neighborhoods because they can.

Can I come to your party? I'm pretty handy with icing and could bring a cake that says either "FUCK YOU" or "BYE FELICIA!" Your call.

Throw in a bottle of Two Buck Chuck, and that's basically my every Friday night for the past 6 years.

Trust me, you must see this vest.

"FINE but I'm wearing my flannel, too."

How was this not mentioned?

Lies. Nobody can ignore such a fabulous mullet.

I had no intention of clicking, but now I must see this vest!

"He was reportedly in possession of "a pizza and a small amount of cash.""

came here to say GOOD abt WM and then got an extra treat with 90s heart throb cult

Clicked on the Vice article about Keegan's Kult. Saw the vest he is wearing in the second photo. Yeah, dude is certifiable.

My money is still holding out for Jana. She might be playing the long game.

I was really funny. I was so confused by her confusion, and then when I figured it out, I had to work really hard at not laughing AT her. The conversation went like this:

Can you imagine waiting until your wedding day just to kiss your partner, let alone do anything else? Like, what if it's TERRIBLE?! I was pissed when I made out with a dude at the end of a date recently, who turned out to be a terrible kisser, and I'd only invested three hours in that shit.